The heart of faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. ( Hebrews 11:8 )

God knows the destination of all our lives’ journeys. He sees the end from the beginning so nothing surprises Him. When our father, Abraham was called from his father’s house to go to a place unfamiliar and unknown to him, God didn’t make any promises, and he didn’t give the full details of the journey. Almost everything was classified by God. He did not disclose so many things to Abraham from the beginning. He was literally in the dark about almost everything. Usually God would call everyone in similar manner and pattern. So that when we take a leap of faith to go where He says to go, it means we have qualified to know the promises and the packages. But unless we first decide to take that first step even though nothing seem clear, we have not what it takes to go on with God. Part of the package for reaching the destination is the demand to trust absolutely in God for everything and anything. We see that Abraham didn’t know initially that where he was going was actually his inheritance. We could say that Abraham at the time had no fixed inheritance of his own because he was actually called from his father’s house; not his own house. But taking that step meant he was willing to enter the school of trusting and depending on God. And yes, trust is the heart of faith. Without trust, there is no faith and without faith it is impossible to please God.

Prayer_Bead: Righteous Father, Gracious God, thank you for teaching me that trust is the heart of my faith. Help me to trust you even when my senses disagree with your promises.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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