[The Glory Unveiled]
I have hidden your word in my heart
that I might not sin against you. ( Psalms 119:11 )
The inherent sin problem which became our nature through the disobedience of our ancestors, Adam and Eve were dealt with in the body of Jesus by the Spirit of God. That not withstanding, until this body is done away with, each one of us still has the tendency to indulge the flesh in the activities of the old nature. The apostle Paul calls them works [acts] of the flesh [see Galatians 5:19]. In the scripture above, the Psalmist said that he has hidden God’s word in his heart…This means that the Psalmist at this point knows the Lord. It also means that knowing the Lord does not exempt us from the tendencies of the flesh if we do not continually look unto Jesus. Another thing we could discover from this verse of Psalms is the fact that he said he has “hidden” the word in his heart so that he might not sin. It is not just lying around in his heart but hidden. We need to conceal the word in our hearts. So that the cares of this world will not choke the word of God. When it is hidden, it cannot just be easily trampled upon and trashed by the world and its system. We all know that it takes an intentional effort to hide something. We cannot just sit idly around and expect the word of God to fill our hearts. We need to make that conscious effort to learn the word of God and to meditate on it. Like the Psalmist of today’s scripture, let us endeavor to hide the word of God in the inner chambers of our hearts so that we would not grieve His Spirit.
Prayer_Bead: Holy Father, righteous King, thank you for showing me the secret to keeping myself away from the acts of the flesh and the sins that easily entangle me. Help me to hide your word in my heart.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.