The influence of diligence

[The Glory Unveiled]

To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. [ Matthew 25:15 ]

In describing the distribution, activation, and operation of the ministry gifts of the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:11 states that God gives these gifts as He pleases. However, in the parable of the talents, we see how diligence can influence what comes to us. Our diligence towards anything in life informs what comes into our hands, so that even from God, we do not just receive things randomly or accidentally. Otherwise, we would all receive the same gifts in the same measure. But we know well that this is not the case. Therefore, there is an invisible factor that influences what God or any person gives us. The master in the parable above gave his servants gifts according to their ability. This means the master didn’t arbitrarily decide to give the one who had five talents five talents, nor the one who received one talent just one. Whatever he gave anyone was decided by their diligence—what the scripture calls “their ability.” Whatever you see in your hand is the voice of your diligence. What your diligence says you’re worth is what it attracts to you. We may be angry at people and institutions, but these people and institutions do not have a say in what comes into our hands. What we have or do not have lies in the power of our diligent work and service. To attract more into our hands, it’s not about how many gifts or talents we have but how well we use what we already have. It is a matter of how well we use those gifts to the best of our abilities. God gave each and every one of us gifts according to our abilities. When we yield results based on our use of these abilities, we receive more from God, sometimes through people. What do you have in your hand presently? Do you want more? If yes, then do more with what you already have.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly father, thank you for the gifts you have blessed me with. Help me to diligently put them to work, to the praise of your name.

Wisdom_Quote: Diligence is the magnet that attracts supply.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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