The platform for a walk with God

[The Glory Unveiled]

God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” ( John 4:24 NIV )

The nature of a place, a thing, or a person dictates so much about them. The Bible says that God is spirit, and this statement significantly impacts how we perceive God and how we relate to Him. The Lord Jesus made this statement to a Samaritan woman. Before making this statement, Jesus spoke about how the Samaritans did not know whom they worshiped and mentioned that a time was coming when people would neither worship on the mountain, as the woman claimed, nor in Jerusalem. These two statements highlight key elements of worship: the location or medium and the knowledge of the person of God. In addressing the Samaritan woman’s ignorance, Jesus teaches her—and, by extension, us—that the medium of worship is truth. But we also know that the Truth is a person: Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Therefore, we must worship God in (or through) the person of Jesus Christ. The mode of worship is explained in Philippians 3:3. The apostle Paul states that he and other believers serve God by His Spirit. In this statement, he clarifies the mode of worship, or the service dimension of relating to God as Spirit. We cannot worship God without His Spirit because without the Spirit of God, whatever we do does not get to God. The Spirit of God is the mind of God (1 Corinthians 2:9-11), hence through His Spirit, we connect with the heart and mind of God bringing glory to God.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for showing me what it means to worship my Father in spirit and in truth.

Wisdom_Quote: The Spirit and the Truth are platform for worship.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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