[The Glory Unveiled]
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. ( Romans 1:16 )
No good news brings shame. On the contrary, bad news brings shame when one is associated with such news. And since the Gospel of Christ is a good news, there’s definitely nothing to be ashamed of. As humans, we all have natural abilities while God has super abilities. And when we put our faith in God, we receive His super abilities and then our natural abilities become supernatural abilities. So that the limitations of the world do not constrain us. When the super abilities of God collide with us through faith in His word, we become new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). Power is the ability to get desired results. When the word of God which is the power of God comes to us, we see results on every side of our lives. We actually become living Epistles rewriting the wonders of God in the sand of time. No man or woman comes into contact with power and remains the same. If you doubt me, ask Jacob, the old Testament twin who met the power of God at Peniel (see, Genesis 32:24-31). After the encounter, he couldn’t walk like the way he had walked earlier. He had met power and so he was changed. The Believers in the early Church were baptised on the day of Pentecost with power and fear stricken men suddenly became bold and the burden of the Cross begun to have expression in frail men. The power of the word of God will change us by faith in Christ.
Prayer_Bead: Father of Lights, open the eyes of my understanding to the power of your word and the glory of itsĀ transformational power.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.