The process and the method

[The Glory Unveiled]

But now, do not be distressed and disheartened or vexed and angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me ahead of you to preserve life. ( Genesis 45:5 )

God has a destination for everyone. It is our destiny which is within the framework of our purpose. Joseph’s destination was a prime minister [ruler]. At a young age he had dreams of this destiny which became a motivation for him. One fateful day, [the beginning of the journey to his destiny], his brothers sold him to some Ishmaelites who later sold him to an Egyptian. This was a method God used to get Joseph into Egypt. But apart from fulfilling a personal purpose of his destiny, God also used Joseph to fulfill a cooperate purpose of getting Israel into Egypt, a promise God made to Abraham and Isaac. After many years, our verse of Scripture was the statement Joseph made to his brothers. Somehow, he understood the method and the process. The method was his brothers having to sell him and the process was the lies of Potiphar’s wife that landed him in prison in order to connect him to his destiny helper. You see, it is possible that what you are going through is just a process to put you on the path of destiny. Maybe the pain is a tool that will bring out God’s desired shape of you. Sometimes, we may not necessarily know that what is happening is leading us to where we must be until we are finally there. This is why we must not truncate the processes of God’s dealings. Hold tight, God’s grace will keep us through the journey to our destination.

Prayer_Bead: God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, thank you for the the process that is refining and redefining me, so that I can fit into the purpose assigned to me. Thank you for the privilege to be motivated by the life of Joseph. May your grace, keep me on this path.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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