For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. ( 2 Chronicles 16:9a )
The Lord looks through the whole earth at all times because He is Omniscient and Omnipresent. He is at all places at all times. But even though that is true, the scripture says HeĀ shows Himself strong (favours, graces, helps, attends to, support, deliver, manifest His glory) only to those who are committed to Him. It is like the relationship between God and the Israelites, and God and Moses. The Israelites were not devoted to God at heart, they were only in for the miracles and blessings without real commitments. But Moses was in a real committed relationship with God so that God could do the things Moses desired but not what the Israelites grumbled for. God was God over both Moses and the Israelites but the outcome of their relationships were different because of commitment and loyalty. God is not partial but He is principled and faithful to His words. If we want to experience real fellowship with God, our hearts must be in tune to the ways of God. We must consciously let out our hearts to God.
#GNews: Uncovering the glory of God.