The word of His grace

[Glory Unveiled]

“Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. ( Acts 20:32 )

These words were spoken by the apostle Paul to the Ephesian elders when he was about to leave for Jerusalem. He was leaving them for “God knows how long” and what he left with them was the word of God’s grace? Yes. But then, he points out two very important things that the word of grace will do for them. It will build them up. In the absence of the apostle, the people still needed to grow and the word that came by grace was a guarantee of that. So that they will grow in spiritual stature and wisdom. And then that same word was going to give them an inheritance. The word of grace has made us heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ so that we can also inherit among the sanctified. This is why the word of God cannot be taken out of the life of a Believer. Whenever there is a pause in the constant supply of the word, the growth of the Believer ceases as well. The word is an indispensable necessity for the Believer. God’s Grace has made His word (life) available to us, so that we can grow into Him and know who we are.

Prayer_Bead: My Father and my Lord, thank you for the word of your grace and making it available and accessible to me. Guide me through the dispensing so that I may grow.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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