Unique gifting and calling

[The Glory Unveiled]

When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. (Jonah 3:6)

The opening verse of this chapter says, and the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time. Why would God insist that Jonah should be the man to go and preach to the people of Nineveh? So that even when Jonah tried to run away from his assignment, God’s word came to him a second time. Of all the men of God in his time, why will God insist on him? It is because God had graced Jonah with an anointing that was unique to him. We read in our focal text that when the warning of Jonah reached the people of Nineveh and the King, they all repented, from the least person to the king sitting on the throne. And so one will begin to ask, what kind of message did Jonah preach that was able to convince an entire city. What exactly did Jonah preach? The fact is that, more than what he said is what God graced him with. Our individual callings will open doors for us and cause people to listen to us. Your gift is unique to you, and it can only yield the intended results if it is used by you and no one else. This is why we cannot make much impact with the gifts of other people but ours. Let’s find our niche and we will be heard.

Prayer_Bead: Everlasting Father, Giver and source of all things, thank you for what you created me with. Thank you for my unique abilities that can not be replicated anywhere. Help me to trust you and love my uniqueness.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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