You are valuable

[The Glory Unveiled]

And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. ( Matthew 10:30 )

Assuming you don’t like candies but you were given about 800 pieces of little candies for free. Would you be eager to keep count of them? All things being equal, you wouldn’t see the need to. The earlier verse of scripture describes how God is concerned about little sparrows, which cost almost nothing and how that not even one falls to the ground without the consent of God. And then in comparison, in this verse, He talks about our hair. The average human head has over 100,000 hair follicles. But in the verse above, we discover that God has our hairs numbered. And the meaning of the statement is fascinating and it also emphasizes the importance and value God attaches to us. God having all our hairsĀ  numbered means that God knows each hair strand by its number. So that if hair number 75 falls to the ground, God is aware. This is so comforting to know that God cares enough to know the very hair of our head by their position and number. So here’s a thought: if God is so careful to consider our hair, and even Sparrows of the air, why would He not be concerned about our ultimate wellbeing? God is concerned about the prosperity of our souls and bodies. God cares about us enough to care about the things we don’t care so much about ourselves. Today and everyday, let us walk in this consciousness that God loves us and is concerned about the well-being of our spirits, souls and bodies.

Prayer_Bead: Jesus, lover of my soul, spirit and body, my redeemer and friend, thank you for your love for me. Help me to trust in your love.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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