Your mouth creates your destiny

[The Glory Unveiled]

Tell them, As I live, says the Lord, what you have said in My hearing I will do to you: ( Numbers 14:28)

There is a saying that goes, “be careful what you wish for”. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine [think or wish for], according to his power that is at work within us, (Ephesians 3:20). God does not only answer prayers that are spoken out but also those that are imagined or communicated through our emotions. Emotions in themselves are not bad but sometimes, the way we release them are not healthy. Actually, emotions, whether negative or positive emotions are magnifiers. Negative emotions magnify the bad things we say or do and the positive emotions also intensify the good we say or do. The Israelites were caught in the divine maze of the wilderness on their historic journey to Canaan, their land of milk and honey, but the challenges they encountered every step of the way—which was actually God making a way to announce His presence and glory among them—rather caused them to murmur and speak against Moses and his God. And as their emotions spiked because of their discontentment, God decided to do for them what they were saying to God out of their fear. They had said that they will die in the wilderness because their enemies will come for them (Numbers 14:2). And then God said to them that He will do for them what they had said to Him [in their anger and fear]. We must therefore be careful what we allow our emotions and thoughts to drift to. What if God should answer your silence emotions and desires, will you be happy with the results?

Prayer_Bead: My Lord and My King, thank you for your love and kindness. Thank you for answered prayers and teaching me to guide my thoughts and emotions in the right directions.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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