Your personal testimony.

[The Glory Unveiled]

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” [ Matthew 16:15 NIV ]

The Lord Jesus asked the disciples what others said about him. They had many answers to give, they seem to know everything others said about Jesus. When the question was asked, they had several responses because they saw Jesus through the lens of others. They knew very well what people thought about Jesus. Many of us are like that. Whatever we know about Jesus is often a mirror image of what others say about Him. However, when it comes to our personal knowledge of God, the numbers reduce drastically, as in the case of the disciples. Only one out of the twelve disciples gave an answer. It was Peter’s response to the question that Jesus used to teach the disciples about how God will build His church. God will build us, His church, according to our revelation of Him and not by the revelation of others. We need a personal relationship with Jesus, one that is based on our encounters and convictions about Him. Often, other people’s testimonies about Jesus are merely bait to draw us into a deeper relationship with God. What transforms our world is a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus, knowing Him for ourselves. You may know what the pastor says about God and what others say about God, but who do you know Him to be? Your spiritual experience is based on who you know Jesus to be for yourself. In other words, the power of your victorious life lies in your direct connection to the life source—Jesus. So, who is Jesus to you?

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the privilege to know your son Jesus for myself. Help me to grow in my knowledge of Him. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Your Christian life is a reflection of who Jesus is to you.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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