Submit to God.

[The Glory Unveiled]

In all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight ( Proverbs 3:6 )

Underneath every act of God is the word “glory”. Glory is the reason that underlines the person of God and His sovereignty. We could even dare to say that the glory of God is the visible “purpose” of God. As a result, there is no act of God that does not announce God’s glory or expose it in one way or the other. The acid test for what is of God is that, it exudes the glory of God. And for God to have His glory attributed to Himself, He ensures that the arm of man does not assist in the execution of what only He could do. This is why in our anchor verse for today, we are told to submit to God in all our ways. And again, it is not our ways God wants us to submit but rather ourselves (our lives). God wants us to submit ourselves to Him to do everything (ways) through us. When we submit to God wholly, we begin to mirror His attributes. We begin to live and talk like Him. Our ways and path will be straight; devoid of unnecessary curves and turns that could deflect our focus from Him. Let us live submitted lives. Our lives should continually and perpetually be submitted to the owner of our lives, God.

Prayer_Bead: Gracious Father, Lord and Maker of all things, you deserve all praise and glory. I submit my life and my ways to you, today and everyday. You’re my Lord.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Be a Spirit-walker.

[The Glory Unveiled]

For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. ( Galatians 5:17 )

The Spirit dimension and the flesh realm are two worlds that the Believer will always collide with while we still have this body on—here on earth. We are to “choose” the side of the divide we would walk in, as children of God; whether in the flesh or in the Spirit. None of us is free to do what they want to do. That’s right, there is no physical police to regulate the decisions and choices we make but there is that invisible control, that predicts what we choose and what we will not choose. We may seem free to do whatever we want because we have free will but at the center of that reality are these two masters; the flesh and the Spirit. So that the choices we make are actually the choices these masters made for us. The scripture says the reason why the flesh acts contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit to the flesh is so that we do not do whatever we want. The Spirit acts contrary to the things of the flesh and the flesh tries to oppose the Spirit. It’s like a battle of kings. None will give up until they are overwhelmed by their opponents. Whichever side of the divide we consistently feed through our thoughts is empowered. And so, we can only enable the Spirit dimension to reign by walking in the Spirit through conscious supply of Spirit led thoughts—thoughts that are consistent with the word of God. Be a Spirit walker.

Prayer_Bead: Lord God Almighty, who reigns over all flesh and all realms, thank you for the consistency of your word to my Spirit. I walk in the energies of your word everyday. My life is consistent with your word. I do not do what I want but what you would want. I am a Spirit-Walker. Glory!

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

God knows what you need.

[The Glory Unveiled]

For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. ( Matthew 6:32 )

The verse of scripture for our meditation this morning is from a long sermon preached by Jesus; affectionately called the sermon on the Mount. A few verses before our verse of focus, the Lord Jesus had been talking about livelihood and the need for us not to worry about anything. Amazingly, He tied our living to our faith. He describes people who worry about what they may eat or wear as having little faith. That statement then becomes the hinges upon which one’s livelihood is measured in the kingdom. One verse down the line (verse 33), from our anchor verse, we also find Jesus telling his audience to seek the Kingdom first, even though they may need all these other things. The principle is that, in the kingdom, anytime preeminence is given to God’s kingdom, supply is made to the citizens. And so in our focal verse, Jesus tells them that our Father in Heaven is aware that we (His children) also need some of the things that the pagans are after. God in this verse, does not condemn nor forbid us from having the things we need to wear, eat or drink. He enjoins us to have them through the supply house of heaven. And the only way heaven releases supplies to citizens of heaven is when heaven recognizes that we are seeking the kingdom’s influence on earth. So if this is the case, what do we have to preoccupy ourselves with? The KINGDOM.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for your care and concern for me. I seek first the kingdom and its influence over the world. I am a fragrance of Christ in my world. Glory!

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Wait for the unfolding of God’s plan.

[ The Glory Unveiled]

But they soon forgot what he had done
and did not wait for his plan to unfold. ( Psalms 106:13 )

The verse of Scripture is a commentary on the Exodus of the Israelites. God had promised the Israelites that He will lead them to the land of milk and honey. The place of their rest (freedom) from their slave masters. And in the bid to convince them that He is able to deliver them and to lead them where He had promised, God did many miracles for them. But no sooner had they seen the power of God than they forgot what He had done. And because they had forgotten what He had done, they couldn’t wait on Him. Waiting on something or someone comes more easily by the strength of trust and faith in that person or thing. So if the people wouldn’t wait on God, it was only an announcement of the state of their heart. Now, in application to us, every plan of God for us in his word and outside of it will come to pass on the strength of waiting for God’s divine timing. Our willingness to wait is a statement of our trust and faith in God. We must wait through prayer and corresponding faith-living. God is not a man. Whatever He said to us in the closet, He will honour it to the praise of His name.

Prayer_Bead: My Father and My Lord, thank you, for your promises are yes. I wait in faith and absolute assurance that you never fail.

#GNews: _Unveiling the glory of God.

Wait for the divine promise.

[The Glory Unveiled]

His son by the slave woman was born according to the flesh, but his son by the free woman was born as the result of a divine promise. ( Galatians 4:23 )

The verse of Scripture we are considering today speaks about Abraham and the children he had by Hagar and Sarah. We know the Old Testament scripture passage from which this is inferred. We are already told what these women represent in the verse 24–covenants. But allegorically inferring from the Old Testament passage, it is dangerous to hail something as of God because the zeal of the flesh powered it. In other words, it is not everything we propose by our flesh that is of God even if it succeeds. It is better to yield to the voice of God and wait on the promises of God than to create one’s own trail of promises. Ultimately, we cannot help God. It is God who helps us in our weaknesses and infirmities. We will know we are beginning to bargain with error anytime we are tempted to help God regarding any situation God promised us about. If He has promised, then it is “Yes”, and we will respond “Amen.” The best we can do for God in carrying out His promises is to do what we are supposed to do—obey Him. Even if the promise is delaying, it will not be denied. Wait upon God and don’t help Him.

Prayer_Bead: Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness, thank you for your promises. I will wait upon your words and I will see the performance of those words.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.