An end time necessity

[The Glory Unveiled]

”Since we are approaching the end of all things, be intentional, purposeful, and self-controlled so that you can be given to prayer.“ [ 1 Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭7 ‭TPT‬‬ ]

Different times demand different strategies. The same approach to doing something will not always work, and certainly not in the future. The times in which we find ourselves sometimes dictate what we should be busy with. The emphasis of a particular time determines what we should focus on. Here in our text for today, the Lord, through the apostle Peter, tells us what to do in the times nearing the end of all things. First of all, he implies that nearing the end times, we will find it difficult to pray. “So that you can be given to prayer” means you are not given to prayer, and something extra had to be done to make it possible. The difficulty many people face, for which they will not pray, has to do with the systems of this world and technology. The world system is structured in such a way that we will find ourselves busy with many things like Martha, so busy that we cannot fellowship with the Lord and Master of our souls. On the technology front, advancement in technology has blinded many to think that what they should be praying about is already made available by technology. But scripture foresaw all these things and still made this provision for us. This means that all these are meant to keep us from intimacy with the Father. Prayer is the believer’s lifeline, and anything that threatens it threatens his/her life itself. We are given three keys to stick to: intentionality, purpose, and self-control. We must be very intentional; we must not allow life to just happen to us; we must have careful intentions for our actions that align with God’s word. Closely related to being intentional is living by the purpose for which we have been brought into the world. The changes in the world should not drive us off the target of our purpose. And more than anything else, we need self-control in a world that offers sin for free. So that can be given to prayer when these things are in order. Your prayer life requires intentionality, purpose, and self-control as the end of all things draws near.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for the keys to help my prayer life in these end times.

Wisdom_Quote: Your prayer life is your lifeline.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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