Another Bible

[The Glory Unveiled]

“You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men;” [ ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭2 ‭NKJV‬‬ ]

The New Testament Bible is a collection of epistles (letters) written to different churches and individuals. In the time of these letters, there was also the culture of ministry validation through the writing of letters of recommendation. In the book of Acts, we see some examples where the apostles wrote notes to be sent to the churches and places where other unpopular ministers were supposed to minister. These notes (epistles) were read to make the people see the preacher as a valid conduit of God’s word. And so was the culture, but then, in writing to the Corinthian church, the apostle Paul now says that the people are their epistles, written in their hearts but known and read by all men. These people have become instruments of validation. It is clear and safe to assume that the Bible is Jesus in letters—every scripture is a piece of Jesus. And when you absorb so much of Jesus that you become His look-alike, lost in Him, then you become another Bible [epistle] to people. So that people can close their Bibles but still read Jesus in you. Our lives can be so mingled with Jesus’ life so much that people cannot tell the difference between the Jesus they read about in the epistles, recorded in the Bible and our own lives. The Lord Jesus knows us because He loves us deeply, but we do not know Him as He knows us because we do not love Him as deeply as we ought to. And because you cannot love someone deeply whom you do not know, we have a responsibility and a call to study the word of God even more. We must dedicate our lives to the study of the word of God and becoming so transformed by it that all men can know and read Jesus through us just like the high priests, the rulers and elders read [perceived] Jesus in the disciples (Acts 4:13).

Prayer_Bead: The Word of God who became flesh, thank you for giving me the privilege to be swallowed up into you, so that all men would see you in me.

Wisdom_Quote: Anyone who embodies scripture becomes an epistle because every scripture is a piece of Jesus.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

3 Replies to “Another Bible”

  1. This is definitely a must read for all believers! It’s a reiteration of what we ought to do in our quest to love Jesus and showcase Him to the world.

  2. “The Lord Jesus knows us because He loves us deeply, but we do not know Him as He knows us because we do not love Him as deeply as we ought to. And because you cannot love someone deeply whom you do not know, we have a responsibility and a call to study the word of God even more. ”

    God bless you for this.

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