The eyes of faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. ( 2Kings 6:17)

Faith is the platform that allows for accessing what exists but is invisible. It is the assurance that, what exists behind the curtains of the spiritual realms is able to translate into the physical realm. But there is another reality that prevents the eyes of faith from seeing. This reality is fear; being anxious that what we dislike may happen. But believing gives the heart an opportunity to see what the optical eyes cannot see. Elisha and his servant [mentee] had been surrounded by a physical army. Terrified by what he saw, the mentee called out to his master for refuge. Now, unlike the mentee, Elisha had seen what was not visible to the ordinary eyes but was spiritually tangible. The mentee could probably not see the angelic beings who had encompassed them because he was afraid. Fear always robs us of any spiritual advantages that are available to us. His fear became a scale that interrupted his sight until the man of God prayed for him. If we must see with the eyes of faith, then fear must not be allowed around us. Hebrews 11:3 says, [paraphrasing] what is seen is made out of what is unseen. The visible things of this earth have their foundation and source in the invisible realm, so that if it does not exist first in the invisible realm, then it cannot manifest in the physical sphere. For this reason, much importance should be attached to the things of the spirit if we want anything physically expressed. The spiritual must always take preeminence over the physical.

Prayer_Bead: Author and Finisher of my faith, thank you for the grace to see through the eyes of faith. Teach me to attend to the spiritual as much as I want to change my physical circumstances.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The attitude of Abraham

[The Glory Reveiled]

Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.” ( Genesis 22:2 )

Without reasons to debate, Abraham was a man of unquestionable character especially when it had to do with the things of the LORD. Abraham had an attitude of trusting in the Lord with such commitment and dedication. The verse that follows our focal verse says, early the next morning Abraham went to carry out what he was asked to do in this verse–sacrifice his only son. In another place, [Genesis 12] where God asked him to leave his father’s house to a land He would show him, Abraham obeyed the Lord promptly. His attitude of being committed to the Lord are persistent. Whenever Abraham was asked to do something by the Lord, he did it without questioning the intentions of God. On the day God asked him to circumcise his household males and himself, the scripture says on that same day he circumcised every male in his house including himself (Genesis 17:23). He was a man who acted promptly to the promptings of the Spirit. He was not one to hesitate or question God’s reason for His actions. It is a sign of one who trusts so much in the God he had pledged his allegiance to. He trusted God enough to want to sacrifice the most precious thing to him, Isaac. Throughout the book of Genesis, anytime Abraham had to carry out an assignment or instruction by God, he did it without hesitation, fear or doubt. He had his absolute trust in God, giving him an assurance of hope [faith]. As a result he could not be dissuaded from what he believed. If ever we would pray for the grace and blessings of Abraham, we should [rather] pray for his attitude. Because it is difficult to keep the blessings without the right attitude.

Prayer_Bead: God of Abraham, my Father and Lord, thank you for showing me the ancient paths of your son Abraham. Guide me to walk in them.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

This Kind

[The Glory Unveiled]

And He replied to them, This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting. ( Mark 9:29 )

In the intricacies of nature are the codes that resonate with the heartbeat of that which sustains them. It’s like call and response. The right call brings out the right response while the wrong call brings the wrong response or no response. Jesus had gone to the mountain with three of his disciples while the rest stayed behind to help with the work of ministry. They had seen Jesus pray for the sick and the demon possessed and they recovered. To these disciples, anytime you prayed, results were automatic but that, they later discovered was not always true. They encountered one peculiar case where they had prayed their hearts out but the desired results were not realized. Suddenly Jesus returned from the mountain to see them still battling with the problem they had encountered. Jesus rebuked the demon and it left the boy immediately. So the disciples asked Jesus privately why they couldn’t do in many hours what He did in a few minutes? And then they discovered what we are learning in today’s devotion, that every situation is confronted with a peculiar approach. It is like trying to fix a broken calculator with the spare parts of a radio set. It won’t work no matter the hours spent in the repairing process. Anytime we are confronted with the afflictions of life, we should first seek the blueprint for dealing with it before attempting to fix the problem. That way it is easier to arrive at a solution. If we know what kind of situation confronts us, we are more likely to know what to do about it.

Prayer_Bead: Father in Heaven, Solution to every pollution, thank you for teaching me to depend on your wisdom and spirit of discernment to know how to confront the things that confront me.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Love is a Choice

[The Glory Unveiled]

If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. ( James 2:8 )

To love or to hate is a choice, just like the choice of getting angry which we considered yesterday. Love is very much a choice than it is an influence or a feeling. Love is not a cosmic force or intuition that pushes us out of the orbit of our consciousness to do what we want or don’t want to do. The will, like we saw yesterday is a vast world of many facets. Everything in our lives is to some extent determined or controlled by the will. Many of the things we blame others or external influences for are actually the actions of our will. The will of humans permits them to love or to hate. When we hate or love someone, it is not because of them as we may think sometimes. It is actually because of ourselves; our will. Anyone is capable of loving or hating anyone they choose to hate or love but real love; the God-kind of love comes from God (source) and not ourselves or any other person. So the source of love is God but the choice to love is ours to make. The scripture above says, “if you really keep the royal law…”. It supposes that we can actually keep the law which makes it a matter of the will. We are capable of many things but often we excuse ourselves from doing what we are very empowered to do. The command to love is a royal law, says the verse above. It is royal in that its authority is like royal authority. It is not questionable. To have an unquestionable human relation with everyone, we must choose love over hate. And again, let’s always remember that love is a choice.

Prayer_Bead: Father of Love, draw me closer into your embrace. Help me to choose to love instead of hate or envy or strife.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Anger is a choice

[The Glory Unveiled]

“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. ( Ephesians 4:26-27 )

The will of man is a complex matrix who can fathom it? It’s a vast ocean what can encompass its breadth? There are so many things we do by the dictates of our will, yet attribute to the actions of external forces. One of such things is being angry or loving someone. The scripture says we should not sin when angry. It further explains that anger becomes sin when forgiveness is not released (in time). Anything that makes us angry for a long time–until the sun goes down–is sin and it gives the devil grounds to carry out his schemes. If the Bible says we should not let the sun go down on our anger, then that makes anger a choice. Anger is a choice we make; we decide whether to let the anger remain for a long time, or whether to forgive our offenders immediately they offend us. The scripture actually says, “in your anger do not sin”…”in your anger”. Sometimes we feel that when we are angry we lose control of our will and senses and so we cannot control what happens around us. We allow ourselves to do whatever we want to do and them when the anger dies down we are filled with remorse. While others try to justify their actions with the fact that when they were angry they couldn’t control what they said or did. But the truth from God’s word says that anger is a choice. We can choose how long we want to be angry or even if we want to be angry in the first place. Choose not to be angry.

Prayer_Bead: Father of Love, thank you for your love for me and your forgiveness. Draw me closer to you and give me a heart that forgives easily as you strengthen my will.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Remember the source

[The Glory Unveiled]

But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. ( Deuteronomy 8:18 )

It seem quite easy to forget when we are comfortable and self-sufficient. When the Israelite were in captivity in Egypt, they cried out to God very often and so intensely that their cry went up to God in heaven. And then God had to send help to them, a deliverer. God through the deliverer delivered them from servitude and slavery. Now on their way to the land of freedom, most of them forgot their past; how helpless and hopeless they had been. They had forgotten how they were so poor they had no property of their own. They had forgotten that the graciousness of God towards them was actually no effort of theirs. It was the covenant promise of God that was taking its own course. Here in the chapter above, the Lord was cautioning his people and reminding them of the necessity to always remember that it is He (God) who gives them the ability to make wealth. God is saying to us today, through His words to the Israelites that we should not think that we are responsible for the good we have in our lives, particularly our wealth. Our “own” ingenuity is actually the workings of the grace of God. The ideas and abilities that bring monetary value are given to us by God as a confirmation of His covenants. If it is good, then it is God’s.

Prayer_Bead: God of all creations, thank you for giving me the ability to make wealth and to prosper. Teach me not to trust in myself or my efforts.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Spiritual Instructions

[The Glory Unveiled]

The LORD appeared to Isaac and said, “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land where I tell you to live. ( Genesis 26:2 )

Anytime God told us not to do something, it was meant for our protection, goodness and joy. The laws of the old covenant as numerous as they were, was given to protect God’s people and to usher them into the blessing. The blessing was promised Abraham and his lineage but the blessing came with conditions. Later in Deuteronomy, the prophet and leader, Moses had reiterated the need to adhere to the commands of God. He had mentioned a long list of blessings that would come upon the people but he continously stressed the need to obey. The enjoyment of the blessings promised was dependent on the obedience to the commands. So here in Genesis, Isaac was in a foreign land which was experiencing famine. He thought, everyone is leaving the country to seek greener pastures, he would also go. But the word of God came to him that he should not leave the famine. In that same land of lack God would bless him and make his name great. Now, in the verses that proceeded, he read that Isaac became so blessed and wealthy that the people feared him. But what would have happened if he had disobeyed? What would have happened if he had gone to Egypt for greener pastures? Certainly he wouldn’t have experienced the success we read about. Spiritual instructions are consequential. We must always endeavor to obey them if we would enjoy the promises they carry.

Prayer_Bead: Loving Father, thank you for the grace to know your commands and to obey them. Help me to “live” where you want me to live.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Move on nonetheless

[The Glory Unveiled]

14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”15 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. ( Exodus 14:14-15 )

Our word of exaltation today says we need to be still and leave our battles to God to fight for us. God sees the enemies we can’t see and the enemies we can’t fight. Indeed, there are invisible forces and seemingly invincible powers but God is Lord over them all. When David faced Goliath, he didn’t face him as one who had the power to conquer him, instead he called upon the Lord of host. He left the battle in the hands of the Almighty. When the rest of the army were crying and wailing and scared, David trusted in the LORD of glory. Moses in the texts above was so overwhelmed by the pressure from the people he was leading and the reality that had bedeviled them at that point. He didn’t know what to do as a human. And so he begun to cry out to God who is able to deliver both he and his people. God responded thus, it wasn’t a time to cry but rather a time to move forward. Sometimes when the realities of life skewed by the powers of darkness ensnare us, we still have to move on. Keep moving, don’t stop. Refuse to give the devil a reason to jubilate. Even when the battle seem lost in the sight of men, keep moving in faith. He is still God.

Prayer_Bead: Thank you Lord Jesus, in spite of all the battles that surround us. Thank you that you are still God and Lord.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Grace to do exploits

[The Glory Unveiled]

But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them–yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me. ( 1 Corinthians 15:10 )

The grace of God is dimensional. It is multidimensional in nature and expression. So the grace of God towards one person is seen and expressed as kindness. In another person it is seen as teaching, yet another gives expression to it in singing. The abilities and attributes of God are dispensed to us in and by His grace. Without the grace of God, the life of God cannot be harnessed and demonstrated to the world. The grace of God is like a stabilizer or an electronic fuse. It is that which regulates the amount of divine life we can take and express. So that if anyone has the grace of God available to them, it should be evident in their lives and abilities. The grace of God has an effect and this effect is seen where the grace is. If we have the grace of God, the effects in our lives will be seen by everyone. Apostle Paul was literally “the last” apostle of the early church but when the grace of God was made available to him, he became more outstanding and hardworking than those who were before him. In his own words, he worked harder than his colleagues and the works he did were carried out by the supply of grace. Let us not take God’s grace for granted. When we come into contact with the grace of God for anything, the distinction must show for the world to see. How? We must begin to do what the grace is released for. Whether or not we had enough exposure in that field. We must let the grace of God work in us by opening up to it.

Prayer_Bead: Father in Heaven, thank you for your grace made available to me in Christ Jesus. As I open up to you, may the grace work in me, outstanding wonders to the praise of your name.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

God’s presence repels evil

[The Glory Unveiled]

But the following morning when they rose, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD! His head and hands had been broken off and were lying on the threshold; only his body remained. ( 1 Samuel 5:4)

The Philistines had defeated the Israelite in a battle and they ceased the ark of the LORD. They took it from Ebenezer to Ashdod where they had a temple for their god, Dagon. In Ashdod, they kept the ark of the LORD in the same temple with Dagon. The next morning, Dagon was displaced by the presence of God and it fell on its face. On the second morning, it fell on its face again but this time it lost its limbs. This account is a photographic interpretation of what happens when the power of God collides with the power of darkness. Lock up darkness and light in a room and you’d find out that only the light will remain. Anything in our lives that seem to have been captured by the devil will remain in captivity unless it encounters the power of God. Any addictions that are difficult to break are only difficult to break because the Holy presence of God has not been introduced. The presence of God banishes the presence of the devil. Anything in our lives that contradicts the word of God is free to express itself as long as the presence of God is absent in our lives. To drive darkness away, you don’t need a broom. All you need is the presence of light. When light comes, there is no negotiations or whatsoever with darkness. If there is a “Dagon” in our lives that has persistently troubled us, it is time to introduce the presence of the Holy Spirit. That experience will end abruptly to the glory of God.

Prayer_Bead: Mighty God, Spirit of the Father, thank you for your residence in my life. I pray that anything trying to share your glory in my life loses its existence. In Jesus’ name.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.