Visit mount Zion first

[The Glory Unveiled]

But on Mount Zion will be deliverance;

it will be holy, and Jacob will possess his inheritance. ( Obadiah 1:17 )

The inheritance of the Israelites was in Canaan; the land of freedom and abundance of every good thing. But the Israelites were stuck in Egypt; the place of slavery and bondage. So that, even though the promise of a land flowing with milk and honey had gone ahead of them, it didn’t create or translate them into that reality. This means that it is possible to have had a wonderful prophecy or word concerning our destiny and ministry, family or marriage and yet not experientially partake in that reality. In the verse above we see that Jacob will only obtain his inheritance when he visits Zion, the place of deliverance. Until, he is delivered from captivity he cannot have what is freely given to him. Before we scream and jump about the prophecies and wait in anticipation, we must first of all visit mount Zion to ensure that deliverance has taken place first. Because, until deliverance has taken place, the inheritance will only seem like a mirage. This also gives reason to the many Believers who are still struggling even though they confess that, the lines have fallen unto them in pleasant places, and they have a goodly heritage. The reality of the Believer is not activated or experienced by mere confessions and declarations. The need for deliverance from strongholds and manipulations is the agency that guarantees that we enter into and enjoy our inheritance. So, visit mount Zion first, through the word and prayer.

Prayer_Bead: Father in heaven, thank you for the opportunity to come to mount Zion, please deliver me from every weight and iniquity that besets me so that I may actualize my inheritance.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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