Be careful what you wish for

[The Glory Unveiled]

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, ( Ephesians 3:20 )

The ability of God is infinitely indescribable with human language. An Infinite God cannot be defined by a finite man. Our definition of His possibilities will be constricted by our shortsightedness and inability to see beyond the “now” of our reference. God’s ability spans the length of all humanity’s human years put together. If we understand this truth, we will not limit ourselves by restricting God to only the things we know and think He can do. God is able to do not only (but far more—exceeding abundantly) the things we ask Him in prayer as well as the things we think or imagine. If this were not possible, the speech impaired and the sick who is unable to talk would have been unfortunate. But they are not. Everyone can pray to the Father through their thoughts and imagination. This explains why sometimes we experience certain phenomena which we may not anticipate nor have “prayed” (consciously) for. We experience some of these phenomena because we think about them or imagine them. Most of the things we experience are actually answers to the prayers of our thought and imagination. For this reason, we must guard carefully what we think about and imagine. Would you want to experience what you think about? If not, then think about the good you would want.

Prayer_Bead: Father Lord, precious Holy Spirit, thank you for presenting to the father, the thoughts of my heart and the imagination of my mind. Make them acceptable in thy sight.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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