Called to separation

[The Glory Unveiled]

And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” ( John 12:32 )

The Lord Jesus our example in faith, says He will draw all people to himself. But we see that He didn’t just say He will draw all people to Himself while He was on earth. Instead He will draw all people to Himself when He is lifted up from the earth. One can only effectively influence a place or a people only when he/she is not himself/herself pinned by the people or the culture of that place. In that same light, one of two people standing under a tree cannot tell the other person that he will pull him (the other person) up to himself on the tree. The logic [reason] is that they are both under the tree so one cannot help the other. Jesus, though God also followed this principle of influence that you must be above to draw people to yourself. In His earthly life, the Lord Jesus lived an impeccable life. A life that was distinct from those of his disciples and people of His day. That way He could influence them even through open rebukes. If we want to follow the way of Jesus to bring His kingdom into the earth, we must live the life of the Kingdom of God here on earth. We must live on earth as if we are in heaven, then the earth will be drawn to the beauty of God’s glory they see in us. Let us draw people to God now that we have been lifted and seated with Jesus in Heavenly places.

Prayer_Bead: My Father who art in heaven, reigning on earth through me. May your kingdom come on earth and let your will be done here as it is done in heaven. And use me this day to declare your manifold wisdom.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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