Look for the Exit

[The Glory Unveiled]

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. [ 1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV ]

_ If there was a fire outbreak in a building, it would look like everyone was running in undue haste, confusion and disorder, while they would actually be looking for the exit. The helter-skelter motion wouldn’t disaffirm the fact that they were going towards something—the exit. The Bible says we should flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18a). But in fleeing from sin, where do we flee to? Just like in the fire scenario, we must look for the exit—the way of escape. Temptations are like fires that can consume. Whenever they show their heads, we must look for the next exit to use. Remember the exit is always there because the word of God assures of us of their existence even when they seem invisible. The first statement of our anchor verse says that “no temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.” This means that any temptation that comes our way is predictable or common. We are further given the assurance that God is faithful and will only permit the kind of temptation that we can bear. On top of that, it says that God will provide a way out (exit) so that we can endure (escape) the temptation. This means, no temptation should overpower us if we follow God’s clues. First, the temptation is always something common, not alien to us. Whenever we face any temptation, we must consciously remind ourselves that this is common to humans. And that, we are not picked out to be tortured by the temptation. Others have been through it and they came out fine. Secondly, God will only permit what we can handle. This means the temptation was scaled by God to make sure it was something we can handle before it was given permission to come to us. This is why every “Job” can handle the exact temptation that Job went through in the Bible. Finally, God will point you in the direction of the exit if you look at the pointer (His word). There is always a way of escape in every temptation, and God is always pointing to it for us through His word. Find it and walk through it, as Jesus did when He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness (Matthew 4:2-11)._

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for showing me the way of escape in every temptation. Help me to walk in it by obeying your word.

Wisdom_Quote: The existence of exits means that the accident or temptation is predictable.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Provisions for the Flesh

[The Glory Unveiled]

But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. [ Romans 13:14 KJV ]

When the Bible verse above says we should make no provisions for the flesh to fulfill its lusts, it is an instruction that requires intentionality and action. Before a visitor comes to a place, provisions are usually made for them. Often, reservations are made to accommodate their every need. Anytime reservations are made, there is always expectation of some guests. Reservations are coded invitations to guests. Likewise, it is possible to make provisions [reservations] for the flesh to fully carry out its lusts. [That provision is refusing to put on the Lord Jesus Christ as our covering and identity; that’s to say refusing to live in Him and by His words.] There’s a popular saying that “deciding not to make a decision is a decision.” Sometimes our failures to take actions are costly decisions we make in ignorance. When we refuse to decide or act on something, we have actually decided or chosen an alternative, unknown to us. Our scripture shows us how not to make provisions for the flesh to carry out its lusts. The secret is to put on the identity of Jesus at all times. Which means deciding not to put on the identity of Jesus at anytime is a [subtle, unintentional] counter decision of making provision for the flesh to sin through lust. This is why we cannot be passive in our relationship and walk with God. The believer needs to be proactive. The believer takes actions that are consistent with the word of God at all times. Our failure to do so, is an expensive choice we should not afford. Every choice made for us by ignorance costs more that the knowledge of it would have cost us. In other words, what we lose because we are ignorant of a divine truth always far exceeds the cost of the knowledge that could have saved us from the negative consequences. And so, let us intentionally put on the image [identity] of Jesus at all times, as we bear the mark of His suffering and life. And then, sin cannot carry out its enterprise in us through the avenue of lust.

Prayer_Bead: Our Daddy in heaven, thank you for the provisions you have made in your Son for us to live in holiness and righteousness. Help us to put on His identity at all times. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Whatever we make provisions for, we are ready to accommodate.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

God is Not Late

[The Glory Unveiled]

So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days, [ John 11:6 NIV ]

It would seem that God is late sometimes, in attending to the most pressing needs of our lives. But let’s analyze the timing of God by using the story of Lazarus as a case study. Was Jesus late to attend to Lazarus? Jesus’ friend, Lazarus, was sick and Jesus was sent for. Now, Jesus who heard of Lazarus’ illness stayed two more days at where he was. Unimaginable, right?Considering that it is recorded that Jesus loved Lazarus (John 11:3). One would ask, is that how you treat someone you love when they are in need of your help? Lazarus needed Jesus when He was sick but Jesus stayed two more days until Lazarus died. And then after Lazarus had died, He now came around. Many times God seem to come around only when it seems too late as in the case of Lazarus. But then just like in the case of Lazarus, God comes in the fullness of His timing, when He will get the glory. And so, even though Lazarus had died and in that moment he couldn’t pray to God or send for Jesus [the solution] by himself, Jesus came anyway. And he who was dead came back to life to the glory of God. In the timing of man, it may seem late but in God’s reality, it is not. Our human timing does not change or stop the power of God nor hinder the expression of His sovereignty. God is not late even when people think or say He is. God is not constrained by our calendar. He does not exist within the boundaries of time as we are and so, time obeys Him. Whatever seems like it’s late is actually on time on God’s calendar. Our expectations can delay and the timing may seem to have elapsed but it is not late; God is not late. He is on time to the glory of His name.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for always being on time concerning every issue of our lives. Let your name be glorified.

Wisdom_Quote: Delay in our expectations is not an expiration of God’s provision and power.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Placing value on the price

[The Glory Unveiled]

You were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies. [ 1 Corinthians 6:20 NIV ]

The price at which humanity was bought is the blood of Jesus; the life of God’s beloved son. And because we were bought, we owe an obligation to the one who bought us, to honour Him. The scriptures guide us as to how or what to honour God with; our bodies are the most appropriate for honouring God for His redemptive love. Jesus’ body was given in death to secure a body for us in God. And so, we place value on the price that was paid for our redemption when we honour God with our bodies. Honour is a reciprocation of the worth or value of something. When we honour God with our bodies, it is a worship that says we are grateful for the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf. But when we fail to honour God with our bodies, it’s a loud announcement that we do not appreciate the sacrifice of Jesus. The price Jesus paid for our redemption was charged to His flesh, His body. He endured suffering in His flesh for us. And so, we must with our bodies honour God for the kindness of His love displayed in the sacrifice of His son. It is not a mere thing that God did when His son went to the Cross. He gave His best to give the rest of humanity a chance to have the life of His Son. If God was so kind to lose His Son on our account, what manner of people ought we to be? The answer is in the verse of scripture for our meditation. We ought to honour God with our bodies as a token of our gratitude for the glorious things He has done for us. May we through the grace of our Lord Jesus, present ourselves without blemish to the Father on account of the price for our salvation.

Prayer_Bead: Almighty God, thank you for the privilege of being your son because you gave your beloved begotten Son for me. Help me to honour you in my body.

Wisdom_Quote: Honour is the reciprocation of the value of something to someone.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

When the enemy goes to work

[The Glory Unveiled]

But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. [ Matthew 13:25 NIV ]

Timing is important to work as the time we choose to work influences the output of our work. This was why Jesus said in John 9:4, that we should work while it was day for the night comes when no man can work. In our anchor verse, we learn that even though no man can “work” [be occupied upon] during the night, the enemy operates when men are not at work. And so, while everyone was asleep, the enemy came to work. There is always a time when everyone will sleep because it is supposed to be the time for sleep. But the time for sleep can also be for defining destinies. It is usually at night that destinies are altered and traded. The wheat in the field got corrupted with weeds because it was night. It is important that some men stay awake to watch over the work that was done during the day, when all men sleep at night. The watchers have a responsibility to preserve the wholeness of what was done during the day. Of what use is our toil during the day, if it is not protected from the enemy at night? From the beginning of creation, work was fashioned into humanity. God instructed Adam, the template of humanity, to work and keep the garden (Genesis 2:15). When gardens are left unattended to, they become forests. And so, God asked man to dress and keep the garden in order to maintain it. But he was not only to keep weeds out of it but also the enemy of their future; Satan. Unfortunately, while Adam “slept“ (was insensitive to his surrounding) the enemy came to invade his ecosystem. The enemy comes to work when the workers are asleep. But if the watcher is at post, the enemy will not come to sow weeds. Hence, let us keep watch in prayer against the evil seeds of the enemy. Lets guard the garden of our souls.

Prayer_Bead: Omniscient God, thank you for showing me when the enemy goes to work. Help me to keep watch over the garden entrusted to me. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: The output of work is influenced by its timing.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Vineyards in bloom

[The Glory Unveiled]

Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes
that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom. [ Song of Songs 2:15 NIV ]

Many times, big problems come from little events; big fires are started as sparks. The things that destroy great men are usually little things. Yet, we tend to pay little or no attention to the little things in our lives. The kind of foxes that ruin the vineyards in bloom are little. But they destroy beautiful vineyards anyway. The “foxes” are the compromises that are hidden deep in our hearts. These are areas of our lives where we have not yet allowed the victory of Christ to shine into. The foxes keep the fruit of the Spirit from growing within us. These little foxes hinder our relationship with the Lord. We must note that anything that keeps us from growing the fruit of the Spirit is also choking our relationship with God. The thing about these foxes is that, they attack at strategic moments of our lives. They come during the seasons of bloom; new beginnings. At these seasons, areas of our lives that are not submitted to God, are usually what pulls us down [while we are close to new heights]. So, whenever we are at the threshold of a new beginning, we must be prepared to deal with little foxes. We must arm ourselves to catch foxes that are ready to destroy our vineyards in bloom. The dawn of a new beginning, is a sign that the enemy may have resources in place, around and within us to prevent those new beginnings from happening. Unfortunately, many times, we are carried away by the excitement of what is about to happen and we forget to keep watch to prevent evil interferences and assaults. The internal resources the enemy uses are mainly our lack of the fruit of the Spirit because the stability of every new beginning is tested on the backdrop of the fruit of the Spirit. Our stability and longevity is tied to the fruit of the Spirit that we are actively growing in and living out. So, catch every little fox that wants to ruin your vineyard in bloom.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for showing me what to do in the season of my new beginning. Help me to deal with compromises that are incongruous with Your word.

Wisdom_Quote: The stability of a new beginning is predicated upon the presence of the fruit of the Spirit.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Another Bible

[The Glory Unveiled]

“You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men;” [ ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭2 ‭NKJV‬‬ ]

The New Testament Bible is a collection of epistles (letters) written to different churches and individuals. In the time of these letters, there was also the culture of ministry validation through the writing of letters of recommendation. In the book of Acts, we see some examples where the apostles wrote notes to be sent to the churches and places where other unpopular ministers were supposed to minister. These notes (epistles) were read to make the people see the preacher as a valid conduit of God’s word. And so was the culture, but then, in writing to the Corinthian church, the apostle Paul now says that the people are their epistles, written in their hearts but known and read by all men. These people have become instruments of validation. It is clear and safe to assume that the Bible is Jesus in letters—every scripture is a piece of Jesus. And when you absorb so much of Jesus that you become His look-alike, lost in Him, then you become another Bible [epistle] to people. So that people can close their Bibles but still read Jesus in you. Our lives can be so mingled with Jesus’ life so much that people cannot tell the difference between the Jesus they read about in the epistles, recorded in the Bible and our own lives. The Lord Jesus knows us because He loves us deeply, but we do not know Him as He knows us because we do not love Him as deeply as we ought to. And because you cannot love someone deeply whom you do not know, we have a responsibility and a call to study the word of God even more. We must dedicate our lives to the study of the word of God and becoming so transformed by it that all men can know and read Jesus through us just like the high priests, the rulers and elders read [perceived] Jesus in the disciples (Acts 4:13).

Prayer_Bead: The Word of God who became flesh, thank you for giving me the privilege to be swallowed up into you, so that all men would see you in me.

Wisdom_Quote: Anyone who embodies scripture becomes an epistle because every scripture is a piece of Jesus.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The Shepherd’s sheep

[The Glory Unveiled ]

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: [ John 10:27 KJV ]

The Lord Jesus in our anchor text, points us to an intentional relationship between Himself and His followers. He calls these followers His sheep. His choice of “sheep” used to describe His followers means they have some complementary resemblance with the object they are named after. Apart from being calm and peaceful, sheep are able to recognize the voice of their owners and follow them. Perhaps “following” is the most visible mark of a sheep. They have this exceptional ability to follow without complaining or grumbling. They follow as a result of their trust in the one leading them. This was why, in the verse before this verse [verse 26], Jesus compares the Jewish leaders to His sheep and He had this to say “But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you.” The true difference was in their beliefs, which necessitated [or otherwise] them to follow. To hear the voice of God means to recognize and understand the instructions of God. The consequences of which is a mark in Him by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13) and obtaining favour from Him as He acknowledges us before the Father. The strongest indicator that tells whether someone is the Lord’s sheep or not is whether or not they are following the Lord—the word of God. If a believer permits the word of God to discipline them to conform to the image of Jesus, then they are disciples and the Lord’s sheep. But the one who is not the Lord’s sheep cannot hear the Lord’s voice and as a result cannot follow Him. Their spiritual ears and eyes are cocked, they cannot hear God nor obey Him when He instructs them. But through our acceptance of Jesus and obedience, we are recognized by heaven and we are able to follow the pattern of God laid down for us.

Prayer_Bead: Shepherd of all souls, thank you for marking me in You because I hear your voice and follow you. Help me to be consistent.

Wisdom_Quote: Following Jesus is the identity tracker for His sheep.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Ready for the coming flood

[The Glory Unveiled]

So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high. [ Genesis 6:14-15 NIV ]

”As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” (Matthew 24:37). Another episode of Noah’s time will soon come upon the earth, and even though the characters will be different and the incidence nonidentical, the vehicle of salvation will not differ as a figurative flood is coming. And so, if you want to survive the coming flood, you must build an ark and design it according to God’s instructions. No matter your fashion skills and engineering knowledge, you will only survive the flood with God’s template because there is only one type of ark that can withstand the coming flood. And that ark is the ark built after the manner that God instructed it to be built. We are in a time where we must make arks for ourselves after a revealed pattern. The making of these arks have been necessitated by the flood that is coming soon. Unlike in the case of Noah where one man built for everyone else, we are in the season of the virgins, everyone must get their own oil and lamp, except that our lamps are arks, and the ark is the salvation of Jesus. God instructed Noah as to how the ark should be built, giving him specifics. So that every detail was tailored to make the ark survive what was coming. We are in the time of grace, the moment before the flood. This is not the time for sleeping and engaging in frivolities. It is rather a time to build [ourselves in our most holy faith—in the inner man] arks. We must build through praying in the Holy Spirit and the word until we are formed as an edifice of God’s glory. We must follow God’s directive verbatim. He told Noah, this is how you are to build it, in other words, not as you want to or think it should be built. Hence, Noah had no say in how the structure would look like, except it must look like the description of God. And this description of God in our time is Jesus. Jesus is the pattern, the measurement we have been instructed to build after. Any ark that does not look like Jesus will drown in the coming flood. Are you building according to the descriptions given by God or you’re building according to your desires and lust? Remember, the “flood” is coming.

Prayer_Bead: Righteous and Just King, thank you for your grace period upon the earth. Help me to build according to the pattern of your Son. So help me God.

Wisdom_Quote: Jesus is the ark for our salvation.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Violent acts of faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

And he [the Angel] said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he [Jacob] said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. [ Genesis 32:26 KJV ]

Jacob, the second speaker in our scripture for meditation, understood in his day what would become the template for kingdom transaction in future generations; insistent faith. Insistent faith has always brought desired results. Never has it been recorded in scripture of an account of insistent faith being ignored by the kingdom of God. From Hezekiah who insisted that he will not die even when a major prophet brought him the message of death, to the widow in Luke 18:2–5 who insisted that she got her husband avenged and the many other men and women who, in the pages of scripture violently resisted the status quo and insisted on what they desired until it was delivered to them. Men like Elijah who prayed for seven times on the mountain until he saw the evidence of what he desired in the clouds, were evidence of the potency of this kingdom principle. In fact, the hall of faith—Hebrews 11—shows us many more evidences. In Matthew 11:12, the Lord Jesus emphatically said, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” This means when John the Baptist came onto the scene, forceful faith was legalized. Certain things will never change in our lives until we apply the force of radical faith. Jacob would never have become Israel had he not forced his faith on the divine being that appeared to him. This attitude of Jacob also gives us a peep into the nature of Jacob’s faith. He recognized that the Angel was capable of blessing him. Just like the woman with the issue of blood was able to recognize that Jesus had the answer she needed (Mark 5:27-29) and she will do anything to get that solution. Violent faith always recognizes the place or vessels of solution and take advantage of them. May we be very discerning in the matters that require violent faith and take advantage of our position in Christ for the desired results.

Prayer_Bead: My Father and and my God, thank you for the revelation through your word. Please stir my faith and make it forceful when and where necessary. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Some kinds of blessings are forced into action by violent faith.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.