The gospel of the cross

[The Glory Unveiled]

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. [ 1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV ]

The gospel—the preaching of the cross—is the ignition point for unleashing the power of God. As in an automobile, the ignition allows the engine of the vehicle to be powered. Without the gospel, we cannot see, experience or access the power of God. The preaching of the cross makes the power of God available; it is an opening into the volcano of God’s power. It’s like going around a fortress that seem to have no entrance. But somewhere is imbedded an invisible entrance, seen only by certain people. The gospel is like this invisible entrance into the fortress of God’s power, seen only by those being saved. This means without the preaching of the cross, we cannot know the real power of God. This is also why the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing; a hidden door in plain sight. The apostle Paul said in Romans 1:16, that he is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus because it is the power of God unto salvation. The preaching of the cross carries the power of God that brings salvation. Although, this seems like foolishness to those who have no faith, because it makes no sense, what matters is that it makes faith. In dealing with the realm of God, many things will not make sense, they only have to “make faith.” And the message of the cross will only begin to make sense, when we start the journey of faith into the finished work of Jesus. It is this faith that makes the gospel, the power of God to one group and foolishness to another. And, as the power of God that brings salvation, we must preach and teach it in love. So that those who used to see it as foolishness may begin to experience it as the power of God.

Prayer_Bead: Great Monarch of Zion, thank you for the simplicity of the gospel and the power concealed in it. Help me to preach it to my world. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: The preaching of the cross is the only escape route into the life of God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Salt of the earth

[The Glory Unveiled]

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. [ Matthew 5:13 NIV ]

God’s image bearers are the world’s natural agents of change and influence. Right from the beginning, God gave man the dominion mandate (Genesis 1:28). But our influence and impact is as a result of the qualities we possess that the world needs. And so, as long as we posses those qualities, the world will chase after us. We are also reminded from our text that it is possible to lose our saltiness [value]. This means we must consciously guard our saltiness. Our saltiness is the value people receive from us or perceive. If we lose the value they get from us, they won’t have any need to come to us again. And so, they will begin to trample on us. People only trample underfoot anything that has no value or adds no value to them. So, this can also be a way of checking our value rating by the way other people treat us. Do they look down on us or up to us, do they wish to be like us or disrespect us. While it is possible that some of these indicators may mean different things, they are mostly signs of a lost of value in the eyes of people. The text says that when salt loses its saltiness, it cannot be made salty again. If there is ever something we cannot regain when lost, we must carefully and intentionally protect it. The Bible says, wisdom is the principal thing, so we should get it. And in all our getting, we should get understanding as well (Proverbs 4:7). Wisdom and understanding always make people come to us. But foolishness [losing your saltiness] drives people away from us. As salt of the earth, we must preserve our saltiness. Our relevance and value to the world must not be tempered with by anything. So that the name of Jesus may be glorified through us.

Prayer_Bead: Mighty Father, thank you for making me the salt of the earth. I am relevant to my world. I diffuse the fragrance of the Lord Jesus wherever I go. Hallelujah.

Wisdom_Quote: People respect and honour values not just names.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The place of rest

[The Glory Unveiled]

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. [ Matthew 11:28 KJV ]

The cares, pressures and demands of this world put so much strain on our souls. In our attempt to ease the burden and lessen the pains and frustration cooked by our daily toils, we end up worsening the situation. We end up adding more straw to the camel’s back. In our text for meditation today, we will discover that the solution, the rest we seek from this burdensome life is no where and with no one but Jesus. This is the truth that must be settled in our minds and hearts to save us from fruitless searching. Unless we come to terms with the reality that what we are looking for can only be found in Jesus, all our efforts and search will be futile. The solution we seek cannot be found in the places we usually seek them. Some of us are searching for rest in beer bottles, others from sexual immorality, drugs, gambling, addictions to pornography and wild living. But the conclusion of the matter is that, only Jesus is the place of rest. Every other advertisement is a scam, aimed at adding more weight to the burden we already carry. The reality of life is that, while we are in this body, we will labour, and along our labouring, we will be burdened with more than we can carry. Moses, in his earthly days was burdened too. He was weary and unsure of certain things that weighed on him. And so, he also came to the solution and this was what the Lord said to him, “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.” (Exodus 33:14) This scripture emphasizes the truth that, rest cannot be found apart from God. The presence of God with us through the turmoil and the chaos is the assurance of rest we have. So, let us go to Jesus [through fellowship with His Spirit and His word] and receive rest for our weary and burdened souls. Let us approach with the assurance of faith that He gives because the solution is with Jesus.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for giving rest to my soul from the burdens and weariness of this world. I surrender all to you.

Wisdom_Quote: Rest is a place in Jesus.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The Pillar of all things

[The Glory Unveiled]

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [ John 1:1 KJV ]

Building engineers and masons begin their building from the trench. This trench holds the foundation, which is also the beginning of the building. It is upon this foundation that the structure sits. The beginning (foundation) in many instances define the whole structure. The beginning gives a direction and a perspective to the rest of the building. In the beginning of everything, there was the Word. John helps us to understand that this Word is God. Genesis 1:1 affirms it by saying, “In the beginning, God…” The only personality that is attributed to the beginning is God. And just as the foundation gives insight into the future of a building, God being the beginning gives us an idea about how impossible it is for the rest of creation to be sustained without God. God is the pillar that sustains creation. When we take God out of the framework we have a collapsed world. Every generation that wanted to do it their way without God inadvertently experienced destruction. An attempt to take God out of what He alone can sustain and is the pillar of, is a declaration of destruction. The question for us though, is? What did we begin with? What is in our beginning? What is the pillar upon which we are building whatever we are building? What we build upon determines what our building will look like. We can hide the material with which we lay our foundation with, but the structure will eventually expose the elements that make up the foundation. So, it’s better we start with the right material, God. May He help us to consider Him from the beginning.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Jesus, thank you for being my beginning and the foundation of my life. Let your name be glorified.

Wisdom_Quote: Your foundation feeds your definition.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The way of escape

[The Glory Unveiled]

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. [ Matthew 26:41 KJV ]

Watching [being alert] goes hand in hand with praying. Either is insufficient to deal with temptations that aim at our humanity. Whenever temptation or tests come our way, we should not depend only on either prayer alone or watching alone. Dwelling on just either of these for help in times of temptation will only end in surprising disappointment. There are very prayerful believers who fall every time into the arms of temptations, sometimes immediately after prayers. Did you realize that Jesus was tempted immediately after His 40 days of fasting and prayers. His prayers didn’t stop the temptation, but what gave Him victory was both prayers and his ability to watch (discern). Watching is a spiritual skill of looking through the eyes of Scripture to judge or interpret our world and experiences. Watching without praying means that we can recognize/identify the temptation but still fall in it as the capacity to escape it is unavailable. Yet praying without watching is just like being blindfolded but having a very sharp machete. No matter how skillfully you brandish it, you will mostly miss the target. This is why they go together and Jesus being aware of this instructed the disciples who were with Him to watch and pray. This recipe is particularly because of the weaknesses of our humanity. Jesus said that the spirits of the disciples were willing but their flesh were weak. Hence, watching and praying helps our spirit to superimpose the flesh. And with temptations all around us, sensitivity through the word of God and prayer is a necessity.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for showing me the way out of temptation. Help me to always watch and pray.

Wisdom_Quote: Praying and watching go hand in hand for the way of escape to manifest.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.