The place of rest

[The Glory Unveiled]

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. [ Matthew 11:28 KJV ]

The cares, pressures and demands of this world put so much strain on our souls. In our attempt to ease the burden and lessen the pains and frustration cooked by our daily toils, we end up worsening the situation. We end up adding more straw to the camel’s back. In our text for meditation today, we will discover that the solution, the rest we seek from this burdensome life is no where and with no one but Jesus. This is the truth that must be settled in our minds and hearts to save us from fruitless searching. Unless we come to terms with the reality that what we are looking for can only be found in Jesus, all our efforts and search will be futile. The solution we seek cannot be found in the places we usually seek them. Some of us are searching for rest in beer bottles, others from sexual immorality, drugs, gambling, addictions to pornography and wild living. But the conclusion of the matter is that, only Jesus is the place of rest. Every other advertisement is a scam, aimed at adding more weight to the burden we already carry. The reality of life is that, while we are in this body, we will labour, and along our labouring, we will be burdened with more than we can carry. Moses, in his earthly days was burdened too. He was weary and unsure of certain things that weighed on him. And so, he also came to the solution and this was what the Lord said to him, “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.” (Exodus 33:14) This scripture emphasizes the truth that, rest cannot be found apart from God. The presence of God with us through the turmoil and the chaos is the assurance of rest we have. So, let us go to Jesus [through fellowship with His Spirit and His word] and receive rest for our weary and burdened souls. Let us approach with the assurance of faith that He gives because the solution is with Jesus.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for giving rest to my soul from the burdens and weariness of this world. I surrender all to you.

Wisdom_Quote: Rest is a place in Jesus.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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