Fear kills faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me. ( Job 3:25 )

There are many people who would recline in the arms of fear for solace from fear—imagine the irony—but that is what we do most of the time. Whatever we are afraid of lords over us. And it is given the power to manipulate us because fear has the power to create just as faith has creative powers too. Job said, what he greatly feared had come upon him and the reason why this became his reality was because fear attracts distractions and destruction. Another falsehood is trying to use fear as a vehicle to draw to the knowledge of God. Out of fear of something, we sometimes turn to God but the book of Hebrews captures in chapter eleven verse six how we can please God. Fear does not please God but faith. Fear causes us to go ahead of God. It drives us to tryout something before God’s appointed time is due. Fear suggests that we do something “smart” because God has given us a brain full of cells and tissues. But faith instructs that we wait on God’s word in spite of our strength and abilities. So let’s be reminded that the things we greatly fear are almost at our door if we don’t quit fear.

Prayer_Bead: Father Lord, thank you for your word. Thank you for not giving me a spirit of fear but love, sound mind and power. And so I drown my fears in the word of your grace.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Faith; our seed and fruit.

[The Glory Unveiled]

By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised. ( Hebrews 11:11 )

Doubts are removed by action. Faith is birthed by the hearing of truth. True faith gives strength that nothing else can give because sometimes the amount of strength needed to start or stop something outweighs the thing being dealt with. This is why the best move is to fall on faith for strength. Sarah received strength in her old age by faith. If our actions are backed by faith, the odds become irrelevant to our achievement of what we set our minds on. The world is always spinning. So much seem to be happening almost all at once. In these times where so many voices call on us, we need to have a definite subscription channel where in spite of everything we can still navigate back into the path God would have us be. And faith becomes that GPS that will lead us in the way to go. A person is truly damn without faith and hope. This is why the devil attacks literally nothing but your faith and what you hope for. But we are told not to give him a footstool. Resist the devil with your faith.

Prayer_Bead: Author and Finisher of our faith, thank you for showing me the way of victory for the believer. This victory that overcomes the world, even my faith.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The Lord is after your obedience.

[The Glory Unveiled]

And He said, “Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.” ( Genesis 22:12 )

God had told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his only son to Him (Genesis 22:2). Of all temptations and trials that Abraham might have had, this would have been more difficult for him because what he had long waited for was about to leave him. What will he say to Sarah, his wife and the people of his house? In spite of all these fears and doubts, Abraham went ahead to obey God without contention. If we would become like the father of Faith, we must obey like him. Do exactly what God instructs, no more no less. If God says kill your son—your job, relationship, education, business, association, food, etc—then lay him (it) on the altar. And if God says don’t kill him (it), take him (it) from the altar. But whatever it is, we must obey God promptly. Don’t continue to do what God had stopped you from doing after he said you should do it. Neither stop what God says you should do after he said you shouldn’t do it. Obedience is God’s measuring tape of our love for Him and our trust in Him. God will only hand out His badge of approval only after obedience is completed. Let us stop asking God for reasons when all He is asking is for us to obey Him.

Prayer_Bead: Great I Am, thank you for your word of hope. Please help me to always promptly obey you. Teach me your ways that I may know and walk with you.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The same spirit of faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak ( 2 Corinthians 4:13 )

The life we—all humans—live in the flesh, is after a certain pattern that is generated by our spirit. This pattern is usually mirrored after whatever our spirit consistently interacts with in our soul. These realities are evident in what we say and believe. The things we talk about and would boldly defend even at gunpoint are the things that make up our beliefs. Even the things we proclaim as truth that are not universally recognized, but believe in its verity to some extent. The scriptures say, “blessed is she that believes, for there shall be a performance of those things that has been told her” (see Luke 1:45). The realities we see plaguing our lives are largely due to our belief systems. The men of old, recorded in the faith-hall of fame (Hebrews 11) are men and women who had the spirit of faith and by that spirit spoke into being what they desired. But it does not end there. We also have the same spirit of faith as those men of old and so, our beliefs should not only remain beliefs but we must speak what we believe. Real faith must lead us to act upon something. So that the evidence of our faith is the action we take as a result. If we believe, our speakings must be consistent with what our hearts believe.

Prayer_Bead: Father in Heaven, thank you for your word of faith and grace. With the same spirit of faith as the saints of old, I speak into being what I believe. [Speak life into every situation around you]

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Fear hides your glory

[The Glory Unveiled]

So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’ ( Matthew 25:25 )

The words in this verse of scripture sound familiar to us all. It is a New Testament version of those words of Adam after he and his wife had disobeyed God (see Genesis 3:10). A core characteristic of fear is that it hides ones glory. Some good things which were supposed to head for our direction were diverted to different addresses because we were afraid and doubtful. But the real source of most fears is ignorance or disobedience to what we know how to do. In the scripture above, three servants were given gold (resources) with the intention to generate more dividends and accrue more profits. The first two servants on their day of accountability gave accounts and they did well according to their strength. But the third who was only given one resource to manage, instead of investing it into something profitable went to hide it in the ground. In his words, he hid the gold (resource) because he was afraid. And because of his fear, he was rejected by his master. Nothing was given him in his honour, even the one gold he had was taken from him. Sounds familiar again right? Adam and Eve had lost the garden atmosphere because they couldn’t keep it in order; because they hid away in fear of their disobedience. We have not been given the spirit of fear. We have the Spirit of power and sound mind from God. On the day of accountability, may we not be found hiding.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for committing your gifts and grace to me. I pray that I may be found a faithful steward on the day of accountability. Holy Spirit, the Spirit of power, please erase fear from my life.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Love’s purpose

[The Glory Unveiled]

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ( John 3:16 )

The most recited verse of scripture is probably the one above. We hear it almost everyday, usually in sermons propagating salvation. Sometimes in sermons of giving and making sacrifices. Today we are going to look at the purpose of love through the lens of this scripture. The purpose or reason for a thing decides where that thing goes and how it gets there. There are many suffering relationships, most of which are on the verge of destruction because there was no purpose for initiating them. God is love Himself, He does not just love but is the love itself. We read here that God had a purpose for the expression of his love. His love was aimed at the salvation of all mankind. He directed His love to man with the intention that we will be saved and not perish. For us to have eternal life, God had to give away His son to be offered as a sin offering without blemish. So the love had a purpose, a goal to accomplish, a target to reach. God’s love was not and is not haphazard. Even though Hillsong sang about the “reckless” Love of God, the “recklessness” was aimed at our salvation. Likewise we must learn to have a purpose for the love we share with those we claim to love. God loves us and so He gave; but His giving was to a certain definite end. What is the true motive of your love, is it so that you could drain someone or to take from them? Or is it to give to them?

Prayer_Bead: Gracious Lord, loving Father and King, thank you for your love and your grace. I pray that you will strengthen my love as I hinge it unto a purpose for which you have called me to advance your kingdom.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Your light has come

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. ( Isaiah 60:1 )

When Adam and Eve sinned, humanity lost the light of life that was domiciled in us. At salvation, we received back that light. But unfortunately there are many of us who, though, have the light still live as if we don’t have it. Such fellows have decided not to arise and shine. The Bible says a lamp is supposed to be upon a lamp stand so that all may see. God asks us, why won’t we let the world see His glory. He has made us vessels of glory just to display it to the world. We must endeavor not to be like Moses who covered his light (God’s glory). We are only carriers of the glory and so in reality a responsibility is laid upon us to be in the right position where we can tilt towards the Holy Spirt to reveal Christ to the world. So instead of sitting in the valley of depressions and bitterness, let us arise unto the mountain of gladness, displaying the honour of He who called us. The coming (entrance) of our lights through salvation comes with the already packaged items of the glory of God. It means that the day we received Christ as Lord, we received the hope of Glory. That is why after accepting Christ, there is no Jew nor Greek, male nor female but we all become one in Him. Arise in prayer and the study of the word and shine for your light has come!

Prayer_Bead: Father of glory, Light of the world, Lord of all spirits, thank you for your glory upon my life. Help me to mirror it to the world.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The Rescue Tower

[The Glory Unveiled]

The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. ( Proverbs 18:10 )

The righteous is one who is saved through the finished works of Jesus and has come into the environment of the Godlife where spiritual death is eradicated. As a result, the righteous is now able to relate with the things of God without being held back by the legal setups of Heaven. With all the opportunities that avail themselves to the righteous in Christ, there are certain realities that will not be experienced by the righteous until they come into the name of the Lord. Like a faculty in a university or a higher learning institution that though exists on the campus, a student who does not belong to that faculty will not participate and may not know the things that go on in that faculty, so is the righteous who has not yet come into the strong tower. The amazing thing is that the righteous is not born-again into this tower but has to run into it. This calls for a conscious effort and determination on the part of the believer if that believer will taste and walk in the reality. At the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee bows and tongues confess that He is Lord, of things in heaven and on earth. But the name does not work for everyone even though it carries power because only a few people have truly come into the name of Jesus. The sons of Sceva were one of those who did not come into the name of Jesus (though they were sons of a Jewish chief priest and exorcists) but wanted to participate in its packages as the apostle Paul did, we all know what happened to them as a result of that error (see Acts 19:11-16). Principalities in heaven obey and work with principles. The name works, but for those who are in it. Let us run into the name of Jesus through the sincere dealings of the Holy Spirit with us.

Prayer_Bead: Father in heaven, thank you for the power in the name of Jesus. Usher me into the tower of recognized sons through your dealings. And give voice to your power in my life. In Jesus name.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Created after what you see

[The Glory Unveiled]

See that you make them according to the pattern shown you on the mountain ( Exodus 25:40 )

The man of God, Moses had been taken up to the arena of the supernatural, in the mountain of God to see the pattern of things (the tabernacle) that should be reproduced on earth. The Lord’s prayer captures a very important line, “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. God desires that the earth will be colonized by heaven so that earth will look like heaven in its culture, language and appearance. As a result, God seeks to institute the government structure of heaven on earth. So that earth will look exactly like heaven. It would not have been necessary for God to take Moses up into mount Sinai if what God wanted to see replicated on earth was not so important. God did not only tell Moses but showed him what He expected. In the beginning of our journey with God, He does the same thing to us. He shows us the pattern He desires to model us after, which is Christ. So that when Nathaniel came into the faith, the first thing that God did was to show him Jesus (John 1:46-49), the standard and pattern to which he will be made. If by any means along the way we lose sight of the pattern, God will reveal Him again to us, but we would have to ascend the mountain of God. And particularly in this times when the world desires to blindfold us from seeing and looking unto Jesus as the author and Finisher, we need to consistently visit the mountain of God in prayer and the study of His word.

Prayer_Bead: Mountain mover, life changer, thank you for the pattern you have shown me in you, as Christ Jesus. Reconstruct me according to your own pattern in every area of life and godliness.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Christ, the standard

[The Glory Unveiled]

When they kept on questioning him, he (Jesus) straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” ( John 8:7 )

The teachers of the law and the Pharisees had brought in a woman allegedly caught in adultery. Instead of carrying out the sentence because they “knew” the verdict—what the law said concerning the matter—they brought the matter to the custodian of the law and the law Himself, Jesus. They had premeditated the outcome of Jesus’ verdict, so they carried stones with them to the courtroom that early morning. They knew the law that said “Do not…” but they had no encounter with the one that says “Do—love” until the first light of that fateful day. The stage was set, the audience were looking on, the accused would not mutter a word. The Jury (teachers of the law and the Pharisees) questioned and badgered the Judge persistently to drain the verdict out of Him. At last, he stops the permutations His finger had been drafting in the sand. Now the verdict is ready to be read and it goes thus…”Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone…” In that articulate statement, the Jury saw themselves in a mirror that compared them to the standard, Christ. And in that moment, they saw who they really were in the face of the standard. They saw how very similar they looked like the adulterous woman but far in resemblance from the standard, Christ Jesus. Beloved, we look unto one man, the man Christ Jesus for our formation and conformation. Every other standard of measurement is false. Let love lead.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for Your word of life. Thank you for showing me the standard and as I behold you, I am changed into Your image from glory to glory.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.