Wait for the signs

[The Glory Unveiled]

Once these signs are fulfilled, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you. ( 1Samuel 10:7 )

Spiritual instructions are very interesting, such that they pay no respect to protocols, ranks, or people and sometimes even common sense. Whatever they promise, if correctly carried out and to the letter, deliver the promised results. Spiritual instructions do not consider facts or scientific knowledge. When divine instructions are given, even if they are not in line with logic, before we argue them out, we should obey them. When God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son, he didn’t argue with God to find out why. At the wedding in Cana, Mary told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do without questioning him. Divine instructions are to be obeyed, not analyzed. If the servants had asked Jesus why he asked them to serve the guests with water instead of wine, they might have broken the protocols of engaging the power of God. In the scripture above, Saul had gone to meet the prophet Samuel and instructions were given to him with accompanying signs. And then after the signs, he could do whatever he wanted; but not before the signs. The intended results will not have materialize if he had disobeyed the order of things. Whatever God tells us to do in this season of divine instructions, we must obey.

Prayer_Bead: Gracious Lord, thank you for teaching me the need and the implications of obeying and disobeying divine instructions. Give me an obedient heart and a listening ear.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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