God’s Word to You

[The Glory Unveiled]

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. [ Psalms 119:105 KJV ]

Light is a seemingly useless commodity for the blind. Despite its role in facilitating unhindered vision and enabling various activities, it remains unappreciable to those without sight. Therefore, while light holds great significance, its value remains elusive to those lacking vision. Just as natural light is futile to the blind, the word of God similarly offers no benefit to the spiritually blind. “The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit” (1 Corinthians 2:14). Additionally, in John 14:17, it is explained that the world cannot accept the Spirit because it neither sees nor knows Him. However, believers, who have the Spirit dwelling within them, can comprehend Him. The Holy Spirit embodies the essence of the word of God, which is light. For those ensnared by sin, symbolized by the world, the light of God’s word, which is the Spirit, remains invisible. The word of God underscores the inability of the blind to derive benefit from what they cannot perceive. To truly experience the beauty and blessings of light, the blind must first gain the gift of sight. Jesus came to bestow light upon us while we were in darkness, but He first grants us the ability to perceive this light through our belief in Him. Our faith in Him confers upon us the right to become sons, endowing us with the capacity to see. Consequently, God’s word serves as a lamp to guide our steps and illuminate our path, directing and enlightening our way in a dark world.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Jesus, thank you for giving me the ability to see your Light that brings salvation. I embrace your gift, in Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: God’s word is lamp and light to those who have Jesus.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The new identity folks

[The Glory Unveiled]

“My old identity has been co-crucified with Christ and no longer lives. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me—we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, dispensing his life into mine!” [ Galatians‬ ‭2‬:‭20‬ ‭TPT‬‬ ]

All of humanity shares one old identity, one that has been branded upon us like a tag. For many generations and centuries, we have attempted to remove that tag from our backs, but all our efforts have been in vain. Through Jesus, we have come to realize that the old identity cannot be repaired; it must be replaced by a new one. However, for the new identity to emerge, the old one must die, and the only place where the old can die is on the cross. By faith, many people who believe in Jesus also went to the cross with Him and died to their old identities. But it didn’t end there. When Jesus resurrected, He did so with a new body, signifying a new identity, and so everyone who went to the cross with Him also rose with a new identity. One notable thing is that we do not have absolute authority over our new life. This new life is a gift over which we have no control. It is Jesus’ life, and we must live it on His terms, not ours. The Lord Jesus dispenses His life into us every time through the virtue of our faith. Our faith, therefore, becomes the umbilical cord that connects us to His life. The value of our new life is Jesus, just as the price for our new identity is His blood. We cannot afford to squander the precious sacrifice of the Son of God for our new identity by living contrary to the life of the one who gave Himself for us. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you don’t have a life of your own any longer. Allow yourself to be like a membrane through which the essence and personality of God can pass and be displayed.

Prayer_Bead: Our Father and our God, thank you for your great love. Help me to live your gift of new life.

Wisdom_Quote: The life of the believer is not theirs.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Touch the experience

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us by his divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has called us by name and invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness.” [ 2 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬ TPT‬‬ ]

It is possible to search for something that is already in your hands; medically, it could be attributed to spatial neglect. This situation is often humorously referred to as “looking for your glasses while you’re wearing them” or “searching for something in plain sight.” It highlights the idea that people can sometimes overlook or struggle to find things that are right in front of them. When it comes to our inheritance or identity in God, this condition is very common among a large portion of believers. Many believers go around searching for what God has already placed within them, whether it pertains to life or godliness. The scripture above emphasizes this truth: everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us by God’s divine power. However, the reason why we don’t seem to find all those treasures is a lack of knowledge. The scripture goes on to guide us in discovering the experience of these things deposited in us. This experience comes through knowing Jesus. Everything we need was first hidden in Jesus, and when Jesus is revealed within us through our experiential knowledge of Him, we get to experience those promises as reality. Unless that happens, every good thing we have within us (in Christ), in an uncondensed form as the knowledge of Him, will not manifest physically. When we neglect the knowledge of Jesus, the knowledge of our true inheritance, we lose the practical experience of the promises. Stop searching; the answer is inside of you, encapsulated in the knowledge of Jesus. So, seek knowledge.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for glorious manifestation of your goodness in me. I maximize your love gift in me through my rich knowledge of you.

Wisdom_Quote: What you are searching for might be in your hands.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Today’s suffering, tomorrow’s glory

[The Glory Unveiled]

“I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us.” [ Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭18‬ TPT‬ ]

Often, when God seeks a deliverer, He looks among those in bondage. When He searches for a freedom fighter, He finds them among those in bondage. Before God appoints a man or woman to lead others out of a situation, that individual would have experienced it firsthand. This firsthand experience of pain and suffering is something that cannot be taught. Gideon was considered weak and the least among the least, yet God chose him over the strong and wealthy. God handpicked a man in whom nobody would trust their lives. What you’re currently going through is preparing you to emancipate others. Nazareth was a town despised by many, with some believing that nothing good could come from it. However, Jesus, the Savior of humanity and all creation, emerged from Nazareth. Your current trials are necessary for delivering others who may endure the same challenges later. What you’re experiencing now serves as your resume for becoming a solution to others. You can’t effectively solve problems you haven’t personally experienced. Your sufferings and struggles are unveiling the hidden glory beneath your true calling, serving as the seeds for the glory that will be revealed. Therefore, view your unique challenges from the perspective of glory and purpose rather than punishment. It’s possible that future generations will rely on your endurance and patience during times of suffering to fulfill their own purpose. Don’t give up, endure a little longer. In no time, you will be called a champion.

Prayer_Bead: Omnipotent God, thank you for the things you allow me to go through for the sake of other people. Please help me to be diligent till the end.

Wisdom_Quote: Your suffering today is the ticket for someone’s freedom tomorrow.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The journey into sonship

[The Glory Unveiled]

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. [ Romans 8:14 KJV ]

Sonship is an important issue in the kingdom of God because God relates with us as family. And as far as that relationship is concerned, you are either a family or you are not. There is no middle ground. According to the order of God’s eternal plan, even though humanity broke fellowship with God through the disobedience of Adam, we can come back into fellowships with God by believing in His Son Jesus who bore the punishment for our disobedience. Our belief in Jesus becomes a new birth experience, one that puts the Spirit of Christ in us which is also a down payment for our future inheritance. But then, it does not end there, the deposit of the Spirit is only the beginning of our journey into sonship. The scripture says that when we come to that place of being led by the Spirit who dwells in us, then we are sons. The Lord Jesus demonstrated how we come into sonship with His own earthly life. He, though he was equal with the Father, humbled Himself and suffered through obedience. And for Him to obey meant that He allowed Himself to be led by the Holy Spirit. He did not take matters into his hands. He had to learn obedience like an ordinary human, through the things He suffered. We must follow the example of Jesus. And allow ourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit as a hen leads her chicks. It is not enough to say we are Christians or we are children of God. Are we being led by the Holy Spirit in our day to day walk with God? Are we daily coming into deeper knowledge of God? Are we abandoning our will for the will of God? And so, are you a son of God? Regardless of your gender in the flesh, are you being led by the Spirit of God?

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for the grace to follow your leading daily. Help me to do away with my will whenever I have to choose between what you want and what I want. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: The Holy Spirit leads only sons.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Satan under your feet

[The Glory Unveiled]

“And the God of peace will swiftly pound Satan to a pulp under your feet! And the wonderful favor of our Lord Jesus will surround you.” [ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭16‬:‭20‬ TPT‬‬ ]

This scripture is the result of an action and a lifestyle that God instructs through the Apostle Paul for us to live by: “Be well-informed and wise concerning what is good, avoid evil, and stay pure” (Romans 16:19). The Bible states that this is a swift way that allows God to defeat Satan under our feet. Unfortunately, many people have tried, and some continue to attempt to overcome Satan in ways different from what scripture suggests, and they have been at it for years without results. The Bible provides us with the keys to every situation in its sacred texts. Regrettably, many people have their own ideas and methods. Because the word of God is woven into the very fabric of creation, it is only the word of God that can produce the desired results on Earth. This is why all the theatrics and drama associated with many modern churches do not yield any results. The enemy is only helpless in the presence of a believer who lives by the instructions given above. This is why anyone who is wise and well-informed about good things and stays pure while avoiding evil becomes a nightmare for the devil. It seems that the devil has convinced many people to do anything except the one thing he fears: purity and wisdom. Consequently, we keep ourselves busy with various matters, much like Martha, except the important things. If we obey today’s verse of scripture, we won’t need to take any action to conquer the enemy. Moreover, the wonderful favor of God will surround us when we live in wisdom and purity and stay away from evil. This is God’s remedy to keep the devil perpetually under your feet in this realm.

Prayer_Bead: Great Monarch of Zion, thank you for swiftly pounding Satan to a pulp under my feet as I stay on the corridor of wisdom and purity.

Wisdom_Quote: The world’s method does not work in God’s system.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Victorious Heirs

[The Glory Unveiled]

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” [ I Corinthians‬ ‭15‬:‭57 ‭NKJV‬‬ ]

Many of the battles believers face are a waste of time, leading us into the land of futility. Humanity cannot endure battles meant for gods. Even if we were to fight these battles for eternity, we would still experience defeat. Therefore, God, in His wisdom, love, and compassion, has fought every battle for us through His Son. To provide proof of His victory, God has granted us the crown of success. Jesus endured suffering, paid the price for victory over sin, and offered us evidence of His triumph through a transaction of faith. Since we did nothing to earn this victory, we must be cautious not to lose it due to disbelief. God’s method of attributing Jesus’ victory to us is akin to the accounts of certain battles in the Old Testament, such as the Battle of Jehoshaphat, the Battle of Mount Gilead, and the story of the four lepers. In these instances, the Israelites didn’t employ weapons but praised God, causing their enemies to turn on each other. Remarkably, it was proclaimed in the surrounding nations that the Israelites had fought and vanquished their foes, even though they hadn’t engaged in battle. Their victories came through obedience and submission to God (see 2 Chronicles 20:1-30, Judges 7, 2 Kings 7). Beyond these victories, the Lord Jesus has secured the battle that determines the destiny of our souls and the quality of our lives on Earth. He has made the title deed for victory available to anyone who believes that Jesus indeed fought and won their battles. Every race we run, every battle we desire to fight has already been won by Jesus. The gap between us and that victory is faith in His ability. Will you accept what has been offered, or will you labor through it on your own?

Prayer_Bead: Dear Father, thank you for the gift of your Son Jesus and the victory He brings. May your name be praised.

Wisdom_Quote: The victory of the Lord Jesus, is the inheritance of the heirs of God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The Anxiety Pill

[The Glory Unveiled]

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. [ Philippians 4:6 NIV ]

The Word of God presents to us the sure cure for anxiety in today’s anchor verse of Scripture. Anxiety has become an invisible burden for almost everyone you meet, whether young or old, as if it were a shared surname. This is primarily because we are pulled in different directions by situations we cannot control. Many of us are consumed by fear encroaching upon our peace, and we have exhausted all known solutions, yet the challenges persist. This predicament is gradually eroding our comfort and influencing our way of life. God in His wisdom created us to be dependent on Him all things for our comfort and wholeness. And so, when we push God aside and try to fix the situations of our lives by ourselves, we clothe ourselves again with the garment of anxiety. But there is a solution. You see, many of the diseases that kill people are actually curable. So, in such cases, it is not the diseases that kill the people but their ignorance of a cure. There is a cure for anxiety in the word of God, apply the cure and enjoy an anxiety free life. The solution is to be consistent in the secret place, depending on God and not on ourselves. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell Him every detail of your life, as it unfolds. Don’t make any aspect of your life inaccessible to God. We must give God a copy of the key to every door in our lives so that He can influence change in our lives. Whatever you would worry about, talk to God about it with thanksgiving. And the peace of God will overwhelm you.

Prayer_Bead: All Knowing God, thank you for your concern for me. As I make my requests known to you, I thank you for helping me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: Consistency in the secret place is the anxiety pill for the believer.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The increase

[The Glory Unveiled]

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. [ 1 Corinthians 3:6 NIV ]

Growth is the expectation of every investment. Every input in our lives is intended to yield a certain result, no matter how small. Unfortunately, we tend to forget the goal of the inputs in our lives or focus on the resource and the middleman rather than the One who provided the resource and the middleman. The believers in Corinth faced the temptation of paying more attention to the middleman rather than the One who produced the end product. There is a temptation to think that the middleman is the reason for the results we have. Many mistake the actions of the Lord for the actions of man and divert God’s glory to humans. The church in Corinth was also ensnared in this deception when they divided between Paul and Apollos. So, the apostle Paul had to draw their attention to the fact that what they [the apostles] did was insignificant unless God provided the increase. Their focus and attention should return to God. Yet, it appears that today’s church is also falling into the temptation of attributing glory to the middleman. Those who most often succumb to this temptation are individuals who have no place in the secret place. People who frequently visit the secret place know the heart of God and His works. They are not carried away by the vessels God uses while God is on the stage. Our relationship with God will not grow from one level to another unless the Lord provides the increase. The Lord provides the increase only when we remain in the soil in which He has planted us, watered by the Spirit of His Word. And this is why our increase does not come from other people, even though it comes through them. Our growth comes from the Lord for His glory and the comfort of other people.

Prayer_Bead: Mighty God, thank you for the privilege to increase in you. I am a blessing to others. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: The increase comes from the Lord.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Provisions for the moment

[The Glory Unveiled]

“But so that we don’t offend them, go to the lake and throw out your hook, and the first fish that rises up will have a coin in its mouth. It will be the exact amount you need to pay the temple tax for both of us.” [ ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭17‬:‭27‬ ‭TPT‬‬ ]

When we observe God’s attitude through the accounts of scripture, we can tell that God does not like wastage. One would think that because God lacks nothing, He should be extravagant and careless. But contrarily, God is always intentional about the things He allows us to use. Right from the Old Testament, we see this attitude of God on display. When God allowed manna to rain down for the Israelites, He instructed them through His servant Moses that they should not gather more than they needed for the day. They were supposed to take only as much as they needed. And when some people decided not to heed that instruction but go after their greed, what they had kept went bad. This was so that the people will depend on God the next morning for their meals. Imagine if they could store the manna for days and months? They would abandon God thinking they didn’t need Him anymore. In the New Testament, when Jesus multiplied the bread for the multitude, after they had finished, He asked that they gather the broken pieces together. God does not waste resources. When Peter “suggested” through his presumption that they pay their tax, the Lord Jesus asked him to go to the lake and throw out his hook for a fish that had in its mouth a coin to pay for their taxes. Now, Jesus could have made the fish to produce a lot of money or many fishes to hold a lot of money to make Peter a millionaire. But what would have happened to Peter if he had all the world’s money at his disposal? Maybe there would have been no apostle Peter afterwards. And so, Jesus allowed just the exact amount they needed for the situation so that in future when there was a need, Peter would be sure to trust Jesus and depend on Him for the solution. God allows His children through the same experiences so that they can trust Him at all times, in all things for their needs. Depend on God, trust Him for everything. He will provide exactly what you need. And if it seem that He provided less than you need, then it is probably you who is rather chasing after more than you need.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for your daily provisions. I trust that you love me more than the things you make availability for my use.

Wisdom_Quote: God provides exactly what we need, when we need it.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.