The journey into sonship

[The Glory Unveiled]

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. [ Romans 8:14 KJV ]

Sonship is an important issue in the kingdom of God because God relates with us as family. And as far as that relationship is concerned, you are either a family or you are not. There is no middle ground. According to the order of God’s eternal plan, even though humanity broke fellowship with God through the disobedience of Adam, we can come back into fellowships with God by believing in His Son Jesus who bore the punishment for our disobedience. Our belief in Jesus becomes a new birth experience, one that puts the Spirit of Christ in us which is also a down payment for our future inheritance. But then, it does not end there, the deposit of the Spirit is only the beginning of our journey into sonship. The scripture says that when we come to that place of being led by the Spirit who dwells in us, then we are sons. The Lord Jesus demonstrated how we come into sonship with His own earthly life. He, though he was equal with the Father, humbled Himself and suffered through obedience. And for Him to obey meant that He allowed Himself to be led by the Holy Spirit. He did not take matters into his hands. He had to learn obedience like an ordinary human, through the things He suffered. We must follow the example of Jesus. And allow ourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit as a hen leads her chicks. It is not enough to say we are Christians or we are children of God. Are we being led by the Holy Spirit in our day to day walk with God? Are we daily coming into deeper knowledge of God? Are we abandoning our will for the will of God? And so, are you a son of God? Regardless of your gender in the flesh, are you being led by the Spirit of God?

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for the grace to follow your leading daily. Help me to do away with my will whenever I have to choose between what you want and what I want. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: The Holy Spirit leads only sons.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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