Cross examine the package

And the man wondering at her held his peace, to wit whether the LORD had made his journey prosperous or not. [ Genesis 24:21 KJV ]

Many times, many people miss their blessings not because they were not qualified for the blessing but because they could not properly discern the timing of God. Other times, they miss the blessing because they assume wrong. Even though God might have said something at one time does not make it a permanent mark in a stone. And for that, we need to constantly check on the last instruction. We need an updated version of what God said. The servant of Abraham was sent to find a wife for Isaac. He had prayed that God should answer him with a sign. Later when it seem he was answered because the sign came through, he didn’t immediately run for “the answer,” instead he held his peace to examine if what he was seeing was actually what God had sent. You see, we live in a world where counterfeits look like the real deal and so it is expedient that we discern and cross check the offers that are presented to us. Jacob ordered for Rachel but Leah was delivered to him unexpectedly. It may look exactly like what you ordered but it may not be what is delivered. This is why the Scriptures admonish us to be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves. We need the wisdom of God more than ever in our day. So, hold your peace and examine what you are being presented with.

Prayer_Bead: Almighty God, thank you for the privilege to be armed with your word. Help me to be discerning in all things as I walk in wisdom in this deceptive world.

Wisdom_Quote: What you ordered may not always be what is delivered.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Strategic tragedy

[The Glory Unveiled]

Some of them, however, men from Cyprus and Cyrene, went to Antioch and began to speak to Greeks also, telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus. [ Acts 11:20 NIV]

The true purpose of challenges is not known until long after the dust of its distractions are settled. Most times, it is many days or years later. The early church faced persecution from the Jews and other unbelievers. During this persecution, Stephen was stoned to death (Acts 11:19). This unfortunate situation sent most of the church leaders running helter-skelter. In this disorderly dispersion, they went about preaching the gospel wherever they went. Initially, the gospel was centralized; concentrated and confined to one place. But the unfortunate event of Stephen’s death, brought about the spreading of the gospel like wide fire. This event was primarily the reason why the gospel left the concentrated location of the Jews to the Greeks also. Many times, we are faced with challenges that seem to throw us off hook. It makes us feel we have lost it all and there is nothing more we can do. It is at this point that sometimes the devil whispers thoughts of suicide to people. But the truth is that, such tragedies and losses as they may seem are actually, painfully but ironically, pathways for God to do what we never imagine or hope could happen. The church would probably not expand at the time it did if that tragedy had not befallen it. My dear, whatever might have happened until now cannot excuse what God will do. Don’t despair, hope in God. God will bring beauty out of our ashes. Let’s trust His love and Omnipotent power.

Prayer_Bead: Father in heaven, thank you for your mercy and love even if I don’t understand it. Thank you for all that has happened, both the good and the bad. Let your name be glorified in my life.

Wisdom_Quote: Except a seed loses itself to the soil, a tree cannot be born.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.