Lifetime slavery

[The Glory Unveiled]

And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. [ Hebrews 2:15 KJV ]

The mind and belief system of a person is cultured by the things that dominate that mind. Overtime, they become so bound and content with the bondage that when a window of opportunity presents itself for their freedom, they will still choose the bondage. The Israelites were in bondage for so long a time that when the time for their freedom came, it was very hard for them to believe it or go into the land of freedom. A famous psychoanalytic theorist, carried out an experiment on conditioning. Lab rats were caged for a period of time, after some time, the cage was opened but these rats will not go out because they thought they were still caged. The long experience of being in a cage had conditioned them into thinking that they were never free even when they were. This same feeling happens to many believers who seem to trust their experiences more than they trust God’s word and plan. Reality and truth is actually what God says it is, not what we feel. The Bible says, “let the weak say I am strong” (Joel 3:10). This means your experience may be weakness, but the Bible says your reality is strength. And your faith must agree with the word of God to carve out that reality experientially. Fear is a slave master. Fear enslaves more people than all other factors put together. And because fear is not always visible, it can enter anywhere it is allowed, enslaving whoever hosts him. Fear has killed so many potentials and people, prematurely. Many people and dreams came to their untimely death because they welcomed fear. Today’s text speaks about the fear of death. And because fear always keeps people in bondage, such people become perpetual slaves. Jesus overcame sin and death and took the keys of hell and death (Revelation 1:8). Hence, our freedom from the bondage of fear is in Jesus. He who has Jesus, has the power over fear because they have the Spirit of love, sound mind and power. You’re not in bondage any longer. You’re as free as you choose to be.

Prayer_Bead: Mighty God, I worship you. Thank you for Your Spirit in me. I am free from the bondage of fear.

Wisdom_Quote: Fear subjects its hosts to a lifetime of bondage.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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