Cities without walls

[The Glory Unveiled]

“People who cannot control themselves are like cities without walls to protect them.” [ Proverbs‬ ‭25‬:‭28‬ ERV‬‬ ]

God has granted us the gift of choice and the capacity to control ourselves because it is a necessity. Self-control and discipline serve as the protective barriers for the human soul and body, safeguarding against harm. Just as a city without defensive walls is susceptible to various forms of attacks, lacking self-control and discipline leaves us vulnerable to every kind of assault. The integrity of our defense walls weakens with each small compromise. When compromise becomes a habitual practice, it leads to enslavement. Those who grow accustomed to captivity become compliant and easily submit to the commands and authority of others, even those inferior to them. Initially, they may rebel against the temptations of the devil, but if this rebellion doesn’t yield the desired outcomes, their captivity deepens. This is why many individuals find themselves trapped in challenging situations and come to accept their harsh experiences as fate. In reality, God has not bestowed upon us a spirit of timidity and fear but one of self-control, love, and power (2 Timothy 1:7). The Spirit given by God cultivates self-control and discipline within us, forming a protective barrier for our lives. However, persistent compromise weakens and shatters the protective wall around our souls, exposing us to danger. People who struggle to control themselves were once able to maintain that control until they started making small compromises. Those minor compromises are akin to the “little foxes” that ravage the vineyards of self-control, jeopardizing the flourishing vines (Song of Songs 2:15). Protect your vineyard and give rest to your soul and body.

Prayer_Bead: Shepherd of our souls, thank you for giving us the capacity to protect our flourishing vines.

Wisdom_Quote: Little compromises are the little foxes that break the vine.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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