Convictions of Faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him. [ Genesis 22:3 KJV ]

Men of faith and generational influence are those who promptly follow God’s instructions. Individuals who respond to spiritual guidance promptly occupy esteemed positions in their day and history has them at heart. God decided to test Abraham, recognized as the father of faith, and he didn’t delay in honouring God. The next morning, he rose early to fulfill the request without hesitation, grumbling, or questioning God’s wisdom. He obeyed innocently, showcasing a profound understanding. Despite the seeming incredibility in this Bible passage, Abraham’s early response reflected his faith, grounded in the belief that God could provide another child. This faith is a language of trust, even if God may not save or fulfill every promise. The attitude of the three Hebrew boys in Daniel echoes this, vowing not to bow to the idol, even if God doesn’t deliver them from the king. Abraham’s early morning rise reflected his conviction to offer his son, even if God didn’t provide a new one. He was without a shadow of doubt about what God could do for him. In the quiet confidence of this faith, evidence emerges—a sacrificial lamb for God. Abraham’s faith manifested what it believed. Similarly, our faith will yield the results of our beliefs. Abraham’s faith didn’t just yield results because he is Abraham, it yielded results because he believed. What do you believe?

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for the privilege to trust you. I believe you are faithful to the end. Let your name be praised in my life.

Wisdom_Quote: Faith is evidence of things not seen.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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