Kingdom principle of giving

[The Glory Unveiled]

One person gives freely, yet gains even more;
another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. ( Proverbs 11:24 )

In the Kingdom of God where the Believer came from and is a citizen of, we operate by principles that are inconsistent with the principles of this world. For example, this world teaches us to hoard things if we don’t want to be poor. But Heaven, our home country teaches that we give freely in order to gain more; the principle in our anchor verse. The verse of scripture talks about two distinct people. One is from the kingdom above and the other is from the earth. The earthly man thinks in line with earthly principles and limitations but the spiritual man who is a citizen of Heaven understands that heaven makes provision for all his needs; all that pertains to life and godliness are secured for him. There are two pools of resources. We partake in one by the principle of giving and the other by hoarding and making one’s one. One (the earthly pool of resources) is depletive, the other (heavenly pool) is not. To have a continuous supply of resources, we need to be like the man spoken of in the verse above who gives freely. And then, the resources that do not deplete will begin to flow towards us.

Prayer_Bead: Father and Source of all things, thank you for the provisions made available for kingdom citizens. I partake in the resources of Heaven through the principle of giving.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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