Waiting upon the Lord.

[The Glory Unveiled]

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. ( Isaiah 40:31 )

Our verse of Scripture is one of the Scriptures that should be read slowly and thoughtfully. But unfortunately, it is possible not to pay attention to the word “wait”. Before one renew their strength, mount up with wings, walk, run and not faint nor grow weary, there is the prerequisite of WAITING upon God. Waiting upon God is the incubation moment of entering into the atmosphere of God and having enough stamina to endure that glorious presence. Waiting upon God does not mean idleness and faithless wishes. It is an act and an art of faith and absolute trust and dependence on God. Walking in the Spirit is a privilege of born-again Spirit filled Believers. We walk in the Spirit by making the presence of God our habitation and the first thing to do is to wait upon the lord. And then leaning on the provisions of faith, we can expect to hear God and look for His desires in the secret place. The spiritual man who waits on God then is that man that is qualified for the benefits of the verse of Scripture above. We will now understand why many people declare this Scripture everyday but they do not experience the resulting effect. The reason is because the prerequisite of waiting is not fully met. Wait upon the Lord. Again, wait.

Prayer_Bead: Gracious Lord, Father of all Spirits, thank you for your word and the opportunity and grace to wait upon you in the secret place. Help me to make your presence my habitation.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Kingdom principle of giving

[The Glory Unveiled]

One person gives freely, yet gains even more;
another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. ( Proverbs 11:24 )

In the Kingdom of God where the Believer came from and is a citizen of, we operate by principles that are inconsistent with the principles of this world. For example, this world teaches us to hoard things if we don’t want to be poor. But Heaven, our home country teaches that we give freely in order to gain more; the principle in our anchor verse. The verse of scripture talks about two distinct people. One is from the kingdom above and the other is from the earth. The earthly man thinks in line with earthly principles and limitations but the spiritual man who is a citizen of Heaven understands that heaven makes provision for all his needs; all that pertains to life and godliness are secured for him. There are two pools of resources. We partake in one by the principle of giving and the other by hoarding and making one’s one. One (the earthly pool of resources) is depletive, the other (heavenly pool) is not. To have a continuous supply of resources, we need to be like the man spoken of in the verse above who gives freely. And then, the resources that do not deplete will begin to flow towards us.

Prayer_Bead: Father and Source of all things, thank you for the provisions made available for kingdom citizens. I partake in the resources of Heaven through the principle of giving.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Be on your guard

[The Glory Unveiled]

Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position ( 2 Peter 3:17 )

To be forewarned is a good reason to be forearmed. The introductory statement of the verse of scripture suggests that a provision has been made for something inevitable. “Since we have been forewarned….” there is a course to take action against what we were warned about. It is easy to be carried away by the error of the lawless. The error which also works in children of disobedience. The Bible speaking of this error, says God exalts the humble and opposes the proud (James 4:6). This error which now carries many away as a result of their trust in the secular knowledge they have acquired is pride. The destruction of pride is constant though it may linger and stall. Another thing about pride is that it pulls down. It is the reason for the fall of many great people; pride in plain sight or concealed pride drains. For this reason, we must be on guard against this crafty destroyer so that we will not fall from our secure position in Christ. Let’s remain in the confine of God’s grace for us.

Prayer_Bead: Gracious Lord, thank your to the opportunity of your grace. Thank you for forewarning us through your word to be on guard against the destruction of pride. Keep me in this time through your wisdom.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Understand God’s will.

[The Glory Unveiled]

Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. ( Ephesians 5:17 )

The Scripture for our meditation and exaltation begun from a trend of thought which suggests that the days in which we live are evil and so we should be wise. This transient world is filled with many distractions and voices. As a result, discernment and wisdom are a necessity for anyone who wishes to live in this time. Wisdom delivers one from foolishness and dangers. We are shown how to avoid the danger of foolishness: knowing the will of God. The will of God is the wisdom of God expressed for the benefit of man. Coming into contact with that wisdom frees the mind and the heart from foolishness. The reality is that, anything done outside the will of God is foolishness. Once a thing is not sponsored by the known will of God, it wouldn’t matter how good the thing may be or how philanthropic, it is foolishness. We need the will of God in today’s evil world. It is our responsibility as members of the body of Christ to understand what the will of God is. And this we can do only by the Spirit of God who has the mind of God. When we interact with God by the Holy Spirit, we get to see and know His will. The word of God also offers us the expressed will of God. Let’s go for the will of God because the days are evil.

Prayer_Bead: Gracious Father, thank you for the Spirit of Wisdom. Thank you for keeping me in this world of today by the Spirit of Wisdom. Show me your will on a daily basis.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The place of purpose

[The Glory Unveiled]

On the contrary, they recognized that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been to the circumcised. ( Galatians 2:7 )

Who are you sent to? This single question, if rightly answered will save many people from unfortunate experiences and phenomena. Each one of us in the body of Christ, just like parts of the human body, have specific roles and responsibilities to carry out, the Believer as a member of the body of Christ is a steward. We are all entrusted with specific responsibilities and assignments. And as members, we must not for whatever reason trade our assigned places and posts for any other. We can only be fruitful in our place of purpose and assignment. The apostle Paul says he was entrusted with the preaching of the gospel to the Gentiles while apostle Peter was entrusted with the preaching of the gospel to the Jews. He did not mistaken his assigned place neither did one envy the other. When we remain committed in our place of purpose and calling, other people will recognize our importance in the body of Christ. We cannot try to be like everybody else and still desire to be distinguished or unique. The only way we are set apart is by been busy doing exactly what we are called to do. Let us not just be busy, but let us be busy doing exactly what we have been assigned to.

Prayer_Bead: Lord and Master of all creation, eternity is the work of your hands. Thank you for my assigned place of calling and purpose. Thank you for what I have been entrusted with. Help me to honour you in the discharge of my duties.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

You have something unique.

[The Glory Unveiled]

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” ( Acts 3:6 )

The theatrical account of Peter and John recorded in Acts chapter 3, communicates so much kingdom truth. It is tempting to assume that there was an error in the rendition of what transpired. The exact speakings of Peter seem misrepresented. In verse 5, Peter as well as John, looked straight at a lame man and said “look to us” But then, in the next verse, which is our focal verse, Peter speaking to the lame man again says “…what I do have I give you.” Wait, was he still not with John when he made this other statement? He was, but then, this time when it came to what they carried, their calling and gifts, Peter didn’t say “what we have” but rather “what I have, I give you”. In matters of what we carry, it is a personal affair. What one individual is graced with is different from the other. Likewise our responsibilities differ. But unless we identify what we carry, we will abuse ourselves and other people. John knew what he carried was different from Peter so he was not offended nor jealous. People may want to occupy the places of other people only when they have no idea of what they carry. Let us turn to God to discover what He has placed in us. You carry something in you that is rare. Discover it and use it to the praise of God’s name.

Prayer_Bead: Gracious Father, thank you for the revelation from your word. Help me to recognize and appreciate what you have given me to be given to the word. Let the world see your glory.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The fishes are still in the sea

[The Glory Unveiled]

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” ( Luke 5:4 )

The fishes are still in the sea even though the experts may not believe it. Peter was an expert in the fishing industry of his day. He knew as we will say in our day, the mathematics of the sea. He was probably an authority in matters of the sea and fishing. But on one fateful day, the expert, Peter and his crew went fishing but caught nothing. All night they toiled, they used all the methods they knew, all the formulae and the mechanisms available but they caught nothing. Peter knew where the fishes stayed at different times of the day by instinct and experience. But he still couldn’t find any on that day. But then, when Jesus came on the scene, things changed. He was able to tell where the fishies could be found in that moment. Jesus was not a fisherman. Neither did he belong to the family of Fishermen. However, he knew by the Spirit where the fishes where. He who created the fishes also knows where he placed them. And even if there were no fishes He was able to call them into the net of Peter. Beloved, He who created us and our body parts, also knows how to heal them or restore them better than any physician. We can trust Jesus’ word to us over the physician and the experts. Remember, the fishes are still in the sea even though the experts may not believe it.

Prayer_Bead: Lord of Lords, King of Kings, thank you for what you have purposed and are able to do in my life. Order my steps in your will for my life. Please do what the experts cannot do for your glory.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Be devoted in love.

[The Glory Unveiled]

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. ( Romans 12:10 )

Love makes provision for a need before that need is realized. It is the nature of love to anticipate a need and make advance provisions for that need. Now, we are admonished to be devoted to one another in love. Devotion is allegiance (loyalty) to a particular course or person; the total abandonment to a particular person or agenda to such an extent that it is almost as if one is a slave to that other person. Hence the apostle Paul calls himself a bond servant of Christ. In other words, he had pledged allegiance to Christ. He was sold out in service to Christ. The Scripture further adds that we honour one another above ourselves. We must regard other people with respect and importance. Humility is the environment that affords us the opportunity to honour other people because pride breeds dishonour. We must commit to one another in the body of Christ, so that the fragrance of the Love of Christ may be perceived by outsiders. Devotion through loyalty keeps us together in love. Let us commit in love. It is a decision that when made, the Holy Spirit will empower us to honour.

Prayer_Bead: Lover of my soul, King of my heart, thank you for your word. Awaken the spirit of love in me. Help me to be devoted to my neighbour and my partner. In Jesus name.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Power of cooperate prayers.

[The Glory Unveiled]

So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. ( Acts 12:5 )

The book of Acts is filled with the “acts of the gospel”. One of such common acts is prayer. And then in the book of Acts we see the power of this act on display. Peter in our anchor verse, was arrested and kept in prison, to be brought for trial the following day. But the church, [body of Believers] gathered together to earnestly pray for him. The result of that earnest prayer was that Peter was supernaturally released from prison even without the knowledge of the prison guards. In Acts 14:8-18, the Apostles Paul and Barnabas had caused an uproar by the healing of a lame man. Some Jews came to persuade the crowd to murder apostle Paul. They stoned him until he was unconscious and dragged him outside the city to die (verse 19). But after the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city. The next day he and Barnabas left for Derbe ( Acts 14:20). Here again we see the power of cooperate prayer. The disciples gathered around him to pray for him and he was fine; fine enough to even travel. There is so much the body of Christ can do through cooperate prayers if we are united in heart. We need to carry the burdens of one another as if they were ours. You are responsible for the other Believer and they are responsible for you. Pray earnestly for someone today.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, Omnipresent Lord, thank you for attending to cooperate prayers. Burden me with the burdens of another, so that I may pray for them. Thank you for answering my prayers for them by meeting their needs.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Don’t compromise.

[The Glory Unveiled]

She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so annoyed that he turned around and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!” At that moment the spirit left her. ( Acts 16:18 )

Sometimes we tend to put up with discomfort for so long that it begins to feel like a new normal. The verse of scripture above is an excerpt from an account that starred apostles Paul and Silas, a slave girl and her masters. This slave girl was filled with evil spirit who spoke through her. Now, these spirits in the slave girl followed the Apostles on their missionary journey, proclaiming that “they were servants of the Most high and that they were telling the way to be saved”. Interestingly, what she said was a fact about the Apostles but the channel of expression is ungodly. As a result, she was drawing attention to herself, thus bringing glory to the evil spirits in her. She sounded like she was working with the missionaries but her source was contrary to theirs. The Apostles had tolerated her for a long time until they decided it was enough. The fact that this slave girl said what was the fact didn’t mean she was of God. Sometimes we tolerate and entertain certain things and people because we assume they are of God simply because they sound or act “spiritual”. Whereas in reality, their effect are detrimental to our growth and our becoming like Christ. We need to put away with such evil phenomena and not compromise. We are the fragrance of Christ and that fragrance must not be fouled by demonic atmosphere. Sanitize your sphere by the Spirit of Revelation.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for the awakening and consciousness of Your presence with me. I denounce the influence of contrary spirits in Jesus name.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.