Ready and useable

Remove the dross from the silver,
and a silversmith can produce a vessel; [ Proverbs 25:4 NIV ]

For the silversmith, the only thing that keeps him from producing beautiful vessels or jewelry is the impurities in the silver. The glory of the silver, namely the beautiful jewelry, is blocked by the dirt in the silver. So, as long as the impurities remain in the silver, the beauty cannot be brought out. The same thing happens to many believers. We have glory hidden within us, concealed by the dirt of unrighteousness. It is only revealed by the purifying works of Jesus’ presence—Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). The gap between your true height and your immediate height is the presence of impurity. For the believer, it may not necessarily be sin but an attitude or behavior that does not align with the revelation of God’s glory through them. And many times, it is disobedience. This is why we are supposed to study the Word of God and be transformed by obeying it. The Word of God creates. God spoke to nothingness, and nothingness gave rise to creation. The Word of God has the creative ability inherent in it. This creative ability recreates our mindset through consistent study and practice. And then we can be made ready for great works. A believer who does not get rid of the things that stand in the way of God’s glory in their lives may soar high but will inevitably fall to the ground as fast as they soar. To the believer who feels that God is not using them or doing anything significant with their lives, it may be that God is waiting for you to remove certain things from your life, such as unprofitable relationships, ungodly activities, and filthy habits. In the end, God will use you to the extent of your availability and readiness.

Prayer_Bead: Mighty Father, thank you for showing me to position myself right in You, so that you can use me for your glory. Help me in Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Impurity is the death of a beautiful jewelry.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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