Stop observing, make a move

[The Glory Unveiled]

He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. [ Ecclesiastes 11:4 KJV ]

The wise sayings of the preacher explain why many destinies are held in a stationary position. It is normal to observe the wind before you put a seed in the soil or the clouds before you harvest your crops, but sometimes you cannot be sure what the weather will bring and you may have to take a chance rather than wait forever. Oftentimes, procrastination gives us the evil lecture that you don’t have the right materials to start, you don’t have the numbers to begin, you can do it at a future date when you are better prepared, or when circumstances align in your favor, etc. All these beautiful excuses come from the chief steward—procrastination—in the camp of delay and stagnation. Unknown to many people, these suggestions are the reason they are still where they have been. Many times, the favourable conditions may be absent but we must still make the move. The army of Israel kept looking at the stature of Goliath and as a result couldn’t make any move to fight him. They were stopped by what they saw. David, on the other hand, brought a historic breakthrough to Israel when he decided to make a move. He knew that the situation he faced was very uncertain but he didn’t consider defeat as probable as it was. If you’ve been watching the wind for months or years even, it’s time you sow your seeds. And if you’re afraid the clouds will pour rain, and so, you’re holding back on harvesting then please ignore the clouds and reap your harvest. Your testimony is overdue. Let the world see the glory of God through you.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for showing me the agenda of procrastination in my life. Help me to make the necessary moves. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Your outcome is changed by your move, not your observations.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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