A walk with God

[The Glory Unveiled]

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. [ Matthew 7:23 KJV ]

Regrettably, many people treat the Christian life lightly, as if it’s something they can manipulate to their advantage, disregarding the foundational pillars and the essence that makes that life possible—a relationship with God. Our walk with God is only possible through a relationship; without it, we cannot truly know God, nor can He know us. The significance of our identification with God lies in its relationship basis, not solely on what we have heard about Him. As Job eloquently puts it, “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.” (Job 42:5). Job’s statement implies that his experience of God differs significantly from what he had heard about Him, and this is a recurring theme in our individual experiences. Our encounters with God diverge from others’ accounts because each experience is unique. Therefore, one cannot genuinely claim to know God solely through another person’s relationship with Him. In Matthew 7:22, the Lord Jesus warns, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?” This highlights the misconception that some believe the gifts of God alone identify them with Him. However, God’s gifts can coexist with individuals who lack a continuous, working relationship with Him. Gifts and callings are not revoked once granted. Thus, a gift cannot be the determinant of one’s knowledge of God. The true indicator is a genuine, ongoing relationship with God.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Father, thank you for my ongoing relationship with you. I am changed daily into the image of Christ.

Wisdom_Quote: A gift is not the true reflection of a relationship with God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

What is your revelation of Jesus?

[The Glory Unveiled]

He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. [ Matthew 16:15-16 KJV]

We are at that point where another person’s revelation of God is not enough for our walk with God. Our spiritual experiences should not be shopped from the realities and testimonies of pastors and other men of God. Instead, it should be a report of our own experiences. Many people may have so much to say about who the Lord Jesus is. Many have their say on what it is to know the Lord. But after everything, it boils down to who he is to you as an individual. The Lord Jesus started his question from the general perspective; “who do men say I am?” And then after so many answers were given, he asked the disciples, “but who do you say I am?” You see, it is not about what others say because it is very easy to say what others are saying. Today, so many people are ‘microwaving’ the teachings and sermons of other ministers of the gospel as if it is their personal revelations of the word. It is because that approach is easy, plus it makes you appear before men as someone who had encountered the Lord intimately. But when it comes to the nitty gritty of that outward display, we will discover that it takes more than other people’s experiences to know the Lord. So, like Jesus asked his disciples many years ago, we are also asked, “who is Jesus to you?”

Prayer_Bead: Dear Holy Father, thank you for your love and commitment to always help me to be like Jesus. Take me on a transformational journey to discover Jesus for myself. So help me God.

Wisdom_Quote: Your confidence and faith are directly proportional to your personal understanding and revelation of Jesus.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

God uses anything for His glory

[The Glory Unveiled]

And they praised God because of me. ( Galatians 1:24 )

The ultimate purpose of man’s creation is for the revelation and manifestation of God’s glory. The fall of man seem to have caused a temporary ‘glitch’ in the corporate plan of God but the intentionality of God, coupled with the mysterious omniscience of His nature brought light out of the ‘glitch’ so that other aspects of His nature we wouldn’t have otherwise known could be revealed. Today’s scripture is a statement made by the apostle Paul on account of his past and life at the time. He, in the verse 23 of this chapter, stated that people heard that, the man who persecuted the church now preach to the glory of God. Apostle Paul’s past life of persecuting the church might have seem like a glitch in his personal purpose but that glitch actually brought glory to God (verse 24). God is intentional. He upholds all things and everything takes its source and true expression from Him. There’s nothing outside the confines of His totality. Let us allow God to use our errors and defects to reflect His glory.

Prayer_Bead: Father of all Glory and the heveanly lights, use everything in this Vessel of clay for your glory. Let the world see your hidden treasures through me.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.