The wise virgin

[The Glory Unveiled]

Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.” [ Mark 7:13 NIV ]

The book of proverbs speaks of the adulterous and the virtuous woman. Both are symbolic of two systems in the church. One is religious and alluring, tempting the young and anointed one to come to her bed of compromise and sin, just like the foolish virgins who wanted to lure the wise virgins to give out their oil (Matthew 25:8). The other is the holy bride, wise, virtuous and pure, keeping her first love (“wedding vows”) for Christ alone. One system brings shame and despair; the other brings favour, honour, and glory. The two systems go as far back as the time of Jesus. The Pharisees and the teachers of the law represented the system that nullified the word of God by their traditions. In Matthew 23:13, Jesus accused them of shutting the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s face, and that they neither go in themselves nor allow others to go in. The same system is still operating today, except that today, the system has a rather larger network of players, enforcing the agenda of the system—hindering people from entering the kingdom of heaven. There are so many in the church who are enemies of the church, fighting the bride of Christ tooth and nail. They try to undo the work of Christ with their self made traditions and those handed down to them. But for the virtuous bride, the solution is wisdom. In this season and time of the church, just as it was in the parable of the virgins, it will take wisdom for the true bride of Christ, the church to escape the evil plot of the world’s church—the foolish virgin. It is only the Spirit of wisdom that can protect us from the religious church and unite us to the other, the holy church. This is why we must submit to Wisdom. We must make wisdom our quest in this season. We must stay with wisdom and let discernment enter our hearts. And then, no matter the temptations and distractions of the religious church, we will not be swayed.

Prayer_Bead: Merciful Father, thank you for your grace and love. Thank you for the Spirit of Wisdom. And as we walk in the shadows of wisdom, deliver us from the religious church. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: Wisdom is the way of escape for the holy church against the luring traps of the adulterous church.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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