Waterless Clouds

[The Glory Unveiled]

Like clouds and wind without rain
is one who boasts of gifts never given. [ Proverbs 25:14 TPT ]

Claiming to have something we do not have may be a ploy to please people and make them think highly of us than we really are. But actually, it makes us lose people’s trust in us. We become like a cloud without water which advertised rain but cannot deliver it. Boasting ensures that. The world is full of gullible men and women who chase after nothing but profit for self. They go any length to deceive people just to fill their pockets. Their motives are merely for self gain and nothing more. The second book written by Peter in the New Testament also describes people who boast of gifts never given to them in similar words as our anchor text above. “These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them” (2 Peter 2:17). Their end is foretold as destruction. People who are empty of God’s word—the substance of our faith—and bear false testimonies are like clouds without water. They have nothing substantial to give. Such people have gone so far from the grace of God that all the warnings and promptings of God seems not to teach them any lessons. Balaam, son of Beor is the example from the Old Testament who was disobedient to the warnings and promptings of God. Eventually, a donkey without speech rebuked him with human voice to restrain his madness. (see Numbers 22-24). Whenever we give ourselves permission to do what God has not commanded or not to do what He has commanded, we are indicating a rebellion to the will of God. It is a sign that we are not submitted to Jesus as our Lord. Instead of going around in an empty shell, let us tarry in the presence of God until we have a message; a substance to share with our world. A waterless cloud is a premature cloud, allow time to supply everything that is lacking. And the world will come to you for a rain.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for the privilege to know this truth. Help me to tarry with you so that I may carry real substance for the nations too.

Wisdom_Quote: A waterless cloud advertises rain but delivers nothing.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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