While men slept

[The Glory Unveiled]

But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. ( Matthew 13:25 )

The above verse of scripture is an excerpt from a parable of Jesus Christ concerning a man who sowed good seeds on his farm. But when the harvest time came, he saw what he didn’t sow sprout (appeared) as well. His servants, perplexed, asked their master whether it wasn’t good seeds he sowed. Our lesson? It is not enough to sow the good seeds. It is also important to watch over the good seeds until they sprout. Usually we sow so much that we forget or ignore to watch and water the little seeds in us. We go for impartation programs and anointing services but sometimes we don’t seem to get the desired results because we seem to sleep (relax) after sowing the good seeds. Sleeping offers the enemy opportunity to sow his evil seeds as well. The Psalmist said, I will watch and give heed to the Lord and sing praises to the Lord (Psalms 59:9). Watching is as important as waiting. Let us not only sow seeds and continue to sow while we sleep. But instead may we develop the attitude of watering and watching the seeds with good character and godly anticipation.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord Jesus, Omnipotent Father, thank you for the good seeds I have sown. Please help me to watch it until it sprouts to the praise of your name.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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