Complete in Love

[The Glory Unveiled]

There is no fear in love: true love has no room for fear, because where fear is, there is pain; and he who is not free from fear is not complete in love. ( 1 John 4 :18)

The pain, [suspicions of what could go wrong] in a relationship, afflicts the heart with fear. And where fear is, love cannot find full expression. Many relationships that would have otherwise blossomed under the nourishment of love have been choked to die by fear. Fear of imaginary pain and fear of punishments for wrong sustained by the thought of “what ifs”. But 1 Corinthians 13:5 says that love keeps no record of wrongs. With this understanding in the background of our thoughts, we can agree that whenever fear is tolerated in the mind of one or both parties in any relationship, pain is being incubated. And fear of pain or fear of punishment is the entry point for the kind of fear that kills love. Fear has never permitted the fullness of anything to emerge. It truncates the glory of potential before it is opportuned to manifest. For any relationship to thrive, the fear of punishments or pain must not be given room. Usually, what people fear comes upon them (Job 3:25). And then what the other person wouldn’t and couldn’t have done, they seem to be doing as a confirmation to that fear. Eventually, love begins to die as a result. If you truly love something or someone, have no fear of losing it or them. Have no fear of being punished by them for any wrong. Have no fear of being inflicted with pain (being hurt) by them. Love will always take a leap of faith that fear is unwilling to take. Remember, our love is complete only when we are free from fear.

Prayer_Bead: Father in heaven, lover of my soul, sustainer of my spirit, thank you for the spirit of love and the grace to be complete in love. I pray that fear be far from me as far as the east is from the west.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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