Love is a Choice

[The Glory Unveiled]

If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. ( James 2:8 )

To love or to hate is a choice, just like the choice of getting angry which we considered yesterday. Love is very much a choice than it is an influence or a feeling. Love is not a cosmic force or intuition that pushes us out of the orbit of our consciousness to do what we want or don’t want to do. The will, like we saw yesterday is a vast world of many facets. Everything in our lives is to some extent determined or controlled by the will. Many of the things we blame others or external influences for are actually the actions of our will. The will of humans permits them to love or to hate. When we hate or love someone, it is not because of them as we may think sometimes. It is actually because of ourselves; our will. Anyone is capable of loving or hating anyone they choose to hate or love but real love; the God-kind of love comes from God (source) and not ourselves or any other person. So the source of love is God but the choice to love is ours to make. The scripture above says, “if you really keep the royal law…”. It supposes that we can actually keep the law which makes it a matter of the will. We are capable of many things but often we excuse ourselves from doing what we are very empowered to do. The command to love is a royal law, says the verse above. It is royal in that its authority is like royal authority. It is not questionable. To have an unquestionable human relation with everyone, we must choose love over hate. And again, let’s always remember that love is a choice.

Prayer_Bead: Father of Love, draw me closer into your embrace. Help me to choose to love instead of hate or envy or strife.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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