Anger is a choice

[The Glory Unveiled]

“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. ( Ephesians 4:26-27 )

The will of man is a complex matrix who can fathom it? It’s a vast ocean what can encompass its breadth? There are so many things we do by the dictates of our will, yet attribute to the actions of external forces. One of such things is being angry or loving someone. The scripture says we should not sin when angry. It further explains that anger becomes sin when forgiveness is not released (in time). Anything that makes us angry for a long time–until the sun goes down–is sin and it gives the devil grounds to carry out his schemes. If the Bible says we should not let the sun go down on our anger, then that makes anger a choice. Anger is a choice we make; we decide whether to let the anger remain for a long time, or whether to forgive our offenders immediately they offend us. The scripture actually says, “in your anger do not sin”…”in your anger”. Sometimes we feel that when we are angry we lose control of our will and senses and so we cannot control what happens around us. We allow ourselves to do whatever we want to do and them when the anger dies down we are filled with remorse. While others try to justify their actions with the fact that when they were angry they couldn’t control what they said or did. But the truth from God’s word says that anger is a choice. We can choose how long we want to be angry or even if we want to be angry in the first place. Choose not to be angry.

Prayer_Bead: Father of Love, thank you for your love for me and your forgiveness. Draw me closer to you and give me a heart that forgives easily as you strengthen my will.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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